I have posted this request before under another thread title, but since it may not have been seen, I would like to repost under this title, if I may.
As soon as my German citizenship is firmly established, I would like to move back home and go to work in the field I work in now which is repiratory therapy.
My German is okay, but I need some help in determining if the field even exists over there and if my schooling and licensing will be accepted, and for this I would appreciate someone making sone inquiries on my behalf, for which I would gladly reimburse you.
For the record, I am presently a natulalized American, (Had to be, to join the USAF), but there is some question as to whether I actually lost my German citizenship and that is being determined at this time. I am in contact with the German authorities in Köln and the Consulate here in Atlanta, and they have all the documents they need. It’s just a matter of beaurocratic red tape we’re waiting on.
If you can help, I would sure appreciate an e-mail. Even if you are an American currently living/working in Germany, it would be a great help.