Need some Irish, Scottish and Austrailian Slang

Hello. I need some Irish, Scottish and Austrailian slang terms for tomboys, tough girls and women.

Scottish, Irish, and Australian women and girls are all tough.

There is, therefore, no slang to point out any one in particular for having this quality.


You hear the Irish talking about “good crack” every once in a while, but they’re not referring to the girls, necessarily.

(Yes, I know, it’s really “craic”, and I’m already going to Hell, so what harm.)

Tomboy is all I can think of.

There’s the Australian word “sheila”, meaning a woman. But I don’t know whether it’s actually used very much in conversation.

A tough girl/woman can be called “a right bruiser” eg. She’s a right bruiser that one over there.

In Ireland - probably more specifically down around Cork and those parts - a tough woman is often called a wagon.

Another Irish one for a woman who is devious or obnoxious (though not necessarily tomboyish) would be “wagon”.

Oops, should have previewed. Some wagon got in before me. :wink:

Tough lassies in Scotland might be called “Stoaters”.

Oi, you; watch who you’re calling devious or obnoxious (though not necessarily tomboyish).
You langer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aussies might refer to her as a bit “blokey”

Scots terms; a nedette. A female ned. A “wee hairy”.

These are derogatory terms for a ‘tough girl’, usually of the “unrefined” type, rather than descriptions of a tomboy. Can’t think of any for tomboy.

This isn’t right. Stoater means ‘excellent’ or ‘powerful’. A Stoater would therefore be more of a powerfully attractive woman, usually of below average height. Hence; “she was a wee stoater”.

Slightly different but the Aussie slang “built like a brick shithouse” means someone of stocky build and can be applied to women (usually derogatory).

A ‘scrubber’ is a usually derogatory term for a rough female in Aussiespeak.

In Britain too.

I think this is the closest so far.

Someone who didn’t quite make the grade might get called a “girly-girl”, and someone who overstepped might get called “butch”. It wouldn’t be a good idea to actually use those terms to someone’s face, though.

Of course, if you know a good dentist, and you’ve already decided to have all those pearly whites replaced, take the gamble.

Cecil: How did the phrase “built like a brick shithouse” get to be a compliment?

Worth a look.

What about Scottish, Irish and Austrailian synonyms for “sprightly, lively or energetic girls/women”?
I know “eirog” is an Irish one.

Can the Scottish term “Bonnie fechter” be used as a term for a female?

Are “Chuzzwozza” and “Thomperson” Austrailian terms for tomboy?

What about terms for good women, amazons, troublemakers, attractive women/females, physically fit women/girls?

I remember, in Ireland, people I knew saying they were going to the pub to check out the “talent”, meaning they were going to see if there were any attractive people present. It wasn’t a gender-specific term, so far as I could tell. “Liam, we’re for Nancy Spain’s tonight. How was the talent?” “Oh, Christ, don’t go, it was desperate.”

I never heard a handsome boy or pretty girl described as being “talented”, however.