Need tech help re: recording programs that show via streaming

We have only stupid TVs, i.e. no smart TVs, hence, we either input, via HDMI, the cable system or the computer/streaming system. We can record anything that comes via the cable by using the DVR system that it comes through (the cable box). So my question is how do I - or can I - record something that comes via the streaming system, in our case, an Amazon Firestick and not through the cable box? (I’m aware that streaming programs remain available for quite some time after their initial showing. But I’m interested in recording a live sports event - a hockey game - which may not remain on line after the game. )

Assuming you’re recording for personal use, you may be able to use a “capture card” like those sold by Elgato and record to your computer. I say “may be able to” because some content is protected by HDCP which will block recording on most devices.

What DVR/cable box do you use? The first hurdle is whether or not it can record data besides tuner data.

I’m not sure how to answer that, but our whole system - cable, internet, phone- is through AT&T.

HDMI to USB dongles:

Since streaming shows come over the internet, there’s no reason you have to record them via a device connected to your TV. You can record them on any computer connected to the internet. There’s software called PlayOn that allows you to record streaming shows to any PC, and it looks like they have a cloud version now that doesn’t even require a PC.

How neat is that! Just wait and the technology you need will appear. Thanks.