Needs help with an injured bunny fast

One of my stray cats got into it with a big floopy eared bunny. Both of them are injured and the vet had to put a lot of work into my stray. Bunny is stitched up as well. Now I have bunny in a cage, she seems to use the litter box OK, but what do I feed her? I gave her some salad in the bag and some carrots, but she is still woozy from the death match.

And how do I look at her tummy, she almost ripped the cat open with her back feet, I need my hands.

Help please?

PS, I don’t want to keep her, I just want to get her healty and adopt her out.

You feed rabbits rabbit food. You can get it at wal-mart, blue seal, most pet stores etc.

You’re trying to look at the exposed stomach of a wild animal, do I have that correct? I think it’d take a fair amount of interaction and feeding before a wild animal will let you do that. Whether you do it now or later, nudge it gently on its side and wear tough gloves.

I understand that I need to feed her rabbit food. I don’t have any, and it will be 2 hour drive to get some. Its late and I’m not willing to drive that far tonight.

I’m hoping that some of the bunny owners will chime in with suggestions. I’m not going to keep her, but now that she is in my care, I feel that I should do the best that I can for her.

No, she isn’t a wild rabbit, she was a pet, I think. Big floppy eared bunny who has peed in the litterbox. (bloody pee, but the vet said that I should expect that for now)

The cat was the wild one. I know how to deal with injured cats, bunnies are totally strange to me.

I have kevlar gloves, I might do stupid things, but I’m not a stupid person. Bunny looks so hurt and alone. I want to make her feel better. I don’t know what to do to help her, she is scared and hurt.

I feed critters and people when they are hurt, but bunny isn’t eating anything :frowning:

Here’s a list of things they can eat. They like sweet things so maybe stack some of those in your favor. Hopefully you will have something on this list you can use…

As for looking at the stomach - a gentle but firm scruff of the back of the neck should afford you some control when you’re goin’ in with kevlar. I’d try to use the scruff to turn it on it’s side, belly facing me and hold it that way while I looked. I’m not a rabbit expert, but I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t work.

Bunnies can hold their own against cats? I thought cats are fearsome predators. How about putting it on a glass surface?

Rabbits can rake with their back feet, much as dogs and cats do in a fight.

Sliced apple or applesauce is a good bunny stand by.

If you want to give her a tasty treat that may help hasten her healing, see if you have any red clover growing nearby. Not too close to a road (exhaust), and clean it before you give it to her. Red clover is high in Vitamin C (good for wound healing) and used traditionally to “build blood” after injury.

If she’s recently escaped a house, it may unsettle her tummy, though, so just offer her a flower or three at first and see if it agrees with her. Wild rabbits eat it without ill effect.

Dandelion leaves are another bunny friendly food you probably already have in your yard.

Moved MPSIMS to IMHO, our advice forum.

Anyone nearby with horses? Or cows? A handful of hay would go down well and not upset her/his guts. Rabbits have pretty delicate digestive systems, I believe. Probably offering just water until you get some rabbit diet is the safest thing. If you do feed fresh stuff, just a little at a time so as not to cause the runs.

If you have claw scissors and can wrap her up in a towel, a quick trim of those hind claws might not be a bad idea. Come to think of it, doing the fronts too wouldn’t hurt. A pissed/scared bun wil lunge and strike with front feet too.

Pooor bun, and poor cat too! Hows the cat doing?

Rabbits are not supposed to eat “rabbit food” primarily. Grass or hay should make up the bulk of its food, also cabbage or other vegetables, but check whatever you give isn’t poisonous to rabbits, of course. Mine (I’ve had several) were given rabbit food daily, always had access to hay and/or grass (important) and were given a mix of other things most days too, like cabbage, kale, lettuce, carrot, apple etc.

As for looking at its tummy… well rabbits don’t generally like being picked up. If you have to do it, try not to surprise it and try not to come from above as a hawk would do. The main point, though, is that it may very well kick and struggle which may lead to torn stitches.

I expect you’ll be able to find the original owner, I doubt the rabbit moved that far from home.

Good luck, let us know how it goes!

Having just rescued 2 bunnies (someone abandonned them and their cage in the parkland beside my house), go collect some long grass (preferably with seed heads), vetch, clover, carrot tops, strawberry leaves etc. According to the pet food store I was at, 70% of their diet should be grass based and only 30% pellets (which you can get at any grocery store). Of course, they will also love anything out of your crisper drawer, but that is really only “treat” food. The bulk of their diet should be grassy.

Bunnies “do their business” in one place so are very easy to litter train. That is great that your bunny is using kitty litter already. (mine prefer wood shavings, not absorbent enough for my liking … trying to wean them to litter)

If Bunny is a former pet, just speak soothingly to her and she will slowly respond until you can pet her. Mine still don’t like being picked up, but definitely respond to a soothing voice and enjoy being held and petted. A firm grip, and good support of their rear in the crook of your arm helps them feel secure and less likely to rake you with their paws. Be careful putting her down, that is when mine still go a bit nuts on flailing. Mine do NOT like to be turned over at all. You will have better luck if you just try to get her on her side.

Good luck!

If you’re not going to keep the rabbit, check out the House Rabbit Society’s page for leads on a local chapter (or Google towns near you and “house rabbit society”); they may know of a shelter or foster home that will take a rabbit, especially an injured one.

I think the above advice covered it, but basically a rabbit should have access to water and Timothy hay or orchard grass (not alfalfa) at all times (available at pet stores or well-supplied big box store pet departments, or maybe feed/farm stores). Ideally they should also have a cup or two (more is fine) of greens per day; see above link for good kinds. Rabbits who stop eating for prolonged periods (like, a few hours) are at risk for extreme GI distress and even death.

If I typed anything that contradicts the rabbit group’s advice, go with them. I’ve only been a house rabbit owner for a couple years and am constantly learning things.

Thank you everyone for the advice. I read the replies at work and stopped at the feed store for rabbit food and was able to buy a 1 lb bag of hay. (I know I overpaid for it, but I didn’t think that one bunny would be able to eat a whole bale and I don’t have anywhere to put it.)

Bunny is looking much improved today, but I still can’t get a look at her belly. I didn’t see any blood in the cage. Are bunnies able to reach all of their bodies with their mouth? I am worried about the stitches.

I’ve put signs all over my community, how far can rabbits travel if they are scared? I guess I could go knock on doors if bunny lives somewhere close.

I can tell that bunny was a pet, she likes it when I rub between her eyes and under her ears. She comes to the door of the cage when I open it and acts like she expects to be let out, not that she is trying to escape.

The cat in question is a teenaged male who got fixed on Wednesday. If I had known that this was going to happen, I would have waited for the neutor. Looking at kitty’s belly, the rabbit would have done it for me had I waited even a minute to break the fight up.

This is actually a good thing for the cat. He’s a black male and an adult. He wouldn’t do well at adoptions, but now that he’s got a “story”, I might be able to find him a home.

I’m not naming either of them. They are not my pets, and they are going to go away. Kitty will get adopted out, and bunny’s owner will see the signs and bunny will go home. Bangs fist on the desk. I am SERIOUS about this.

Bunny sure is cute with those droopy ears and wiggly nose…not to mention that I’ve long been a fan of short haired black cats. They look like miniture panthers when they are adults…


Buns make great pets… just sayin’… :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop that, both of you! Bunny is NOT staying and that is final. I’m serious here, I do NOT need another pet!!!

She sure was cute when I gave her a piece of apple, though. I think she tried to dance, but her belly hurt.

How much hay do they eat in a day? I gave her a handful when I got home and she’s already eaten half of it. Do they gorge? She is a guest, its my responsiblity to see that she is well cared for. Only a guest, gosh darnit! *A really cute guest who has wonderful habits. She hasn’t missed the litterbox yet. *
