It’s election season, and where in the Bay State it looks like Kerry Healey, our current lt. governor and Republican gubenatorial nominee Kerry Healey is getting increasingly desparate. Now, I’m not on top of the latest polls, but last I heard that Democratic candidate Deval Patrick was edging into “dead girl or live Mark Foley” territory. It’s understandable. Massachusetts is among the bluest of the blue states, and Bush has poisoned the entire GOP. Plus, Healy was a silent second-in-command to a governor that was more interested in getting the republican nomination for presidnet than governing the state. But Healy’s got tons of money.
Now, before I share what she’s been spending it on, let me say that there is a place for negative campaigning. A candidate should be called to defend his record and policies. But there’s that… And then there’s this.
Yes, we do! He was a defense attorney. That’s what they do. They’re an essential part of a free society. Even cop-killers have rights under the law, and one of them is the right to consel by people like Deval Patrick! My God, are you really suggesting that defense attorneys condone the crimes of their clients? That Patrick is going to pardon all cop-killers in MA prisons? That defense attorneys (again, essential components in democracy) should be pariahs for public service? Or do you think we’re just stupid?
I’ve seldom seen a dumber political ad. It’s not like Patrick is a perfect candidate. He’s a liberal Democrat that has promised to raise spending and not lower taxes. And it’s a Democratic legislature, so he’ll likely get what he asked for. He’s vulnerable! That’s a valid point! MA voters *like *a split state government! Hammer that home!
But the fact that he was once a successful defense attorney? Come on. It’s not like he doesn’t have a perfect answer to that charge either.
When, in rebutting your negative ads, your opponent gets to mention a piece of his personal history that’s absolutely awesome, you’ve made a bad ad.
But let’s not make this all about Healey. What stupid and/or outrageous negative ads have you seen this season?