Neighbours (could be milder)

I pit the bunch of fucking cocksuckers living next door.

You have no sense of consideration for the people that live nearby. Mr mid-life crisis man, just cause you don’t have to get up in the morning, doesn’t mean you should sit in the garden and listen to your own voice to all hours. Thats what it is, cause noone else seems to get a word in edgeways. Or is it that they just have normal voices or actually give two shits about anyone else?
You’re fucking daughter Mr Cocksucker is a trailer trash piece of shit. You’d see that if your head wasn’t stuck up your own arse. When you go out Wednesday looking for a fucking mirror, are you aware your little darling is calling all her fucktard friends and starting a bangin party, ooh, yeah, R & B, pump up those sweet (not) sounds while she slams the doors and squeals like a pig.
Hey, she was watching Friends last night so fucking loud that she couldn’t even hear me banging on the door not 4 yards away from where her fat shite form was merged into the sofa. Why do you think I had to walk to the end of my own garden and lean over the wall to get your attention?

The only model citizen in your fucked up family is your 4 year old daughter. God preserve her from your sense of responsibility and respect for your own fucking race. Though I wonder what slimy protozoic pond you crawled out of.

I came here to vent, but all you do is piss me off. And yeah, I wish I could come round and discuss it without putting your head through the wall.

You spelled neighbors wrong.


Ah, the ole UK/US divide again. Two nations seperated by a common language. And a lot of fish.

I predict this thread will have a long and happy life.

You need to be more tolerant. I’d think somebody with the family name “Cocksucker” starts out at a disadvantage.

I wonder if it’s German? Could you imagine life with a name like Helmut Cocksucker?

Shouldn’t that be Helmut Hahnsauger?

Well, his first name could have been Adolf.
And his last name could have been Menjou. Dodged a bullet, there.