Neil Armstrong -first man on moon has died

Another great American is gone. :frowning:

Breaking News. He was 82.

Damn, this year sucks.

Is it too soon for “Houston, we have a problem” jokes? Prob’ly. sigh


Thanks for the small step, Neil.

Wow, what a milestone. God’s speed, Neil.

NOOOOOOOOO!!! :frowning:

Godspeed, Commander Armstrong.

A truly great man, and a truly humble man. Not many of those.



The eagle has landed.

dang, another aviation favorite son of my state gone. Neil Armstrong grew up in the golden age of aviation and took it to the moon.

It’s because he KNEW TOO MUCH!

(Yeah, tasteless, tough)


He leaves behind some mighty shoes to fill.

R.I.P. Neal.

Mars rover now reprogrammed to look for suitably towering geographical feature that can be named “Armstrong”.

Has Mr. Gorsky issued a statement?


Not a good week to be named “Armstrong,” I guess.

His first might be the greatest of all firsts. Some day a man will set foot on Mars, and it still won’t be as remarkable. Farewell Neil.

At least we still have Buzz to kick anyone’s ass who denies the moon landing.

One small step for a man.

All of the above. I was born in the Space Age, and was an avid Space Cadet as a child. I was concerned for Armstrong’s longevity when I heard about is heart problem. Now he’s gone. If you didn’t live through that era, you might not understand my excitement toward the X-planes and Rocket Men. It was an exciting time in bleeding-edge aviation. And now a hero of that time and my youth has died.

The Eagle has flown. :frowning:

First human on the moon, now in a higher orbit.


Wow, bummer. This is big.

How many of the twelve moonwalkers are still walking around *this *orb?

Please ignore. Earlier thread in MPSIMS. Have requested deletion.