Neil Armstrong's first words - updated for 2005

There are some fungi who’d like a word with you.

A great question. Can’t begin to think of an actual answer. My guess is that some NASA PR person will script something, which I hope the astronaut will totally ignore.

“All your lunar base are belong to us!”

a few of my own:

"I’m number one! I’m number one! Eat shit Aldrin… in your face asshole!
"I’m number one! Woo-hoo… [etc]

“Hail Ants!”
“Giant steps are what you take
Walking on the moon
I hope my legs don’t break
Walking on the moon
We could walk forever
Walking on the moon
We could live together
Walking on, walking on the moon”

Yo yo yo! Armstrong’s in da hizzouse!

Considering how it probably sounds breathing in that helmet, he would probably step out and say,

“Luke… I am your father!”

“This crater is mine…and THIS crater is mine…and THIS crater is mine…and THIS crater is mine…”

:mad: You and Mr. Rilch. Everything cool happened in your year: the moon landing, Woodstock, the Miracle Mets. And with less immediate but more far-reaching impact, Stonewall, and on a negative note, but not insignificant, the Manson murders.

And what happened in my year? The Beatles split up. :frowning:

“I’m lovin’ it; It’s the real thing - Just do it!”

I’d say “Gotya Ya!”

I’d also moonwalk a la Michael Jackson. That would be so cool.

Yes, a great many newsworthy events occurred in 1969 - as you mentioned Woodstock, the Moon Landing, the Infamous Manson Family murders and another infamous event - Ted Kennedy’s ride over the Chappaquidick Bridge, resulting in the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne.
The reason I singled out these 4 was that they all occurred in the Summer of 1969.

Now that made me laugh! Ahhh memories. Good old Seethruart.

“Look at this picture!!!”

It looks like dirt.

“Well I’ve enhanced it and gamma corrected the colour to the blue spectrum”

It looks like blue dirt.

“Wait now I have made it monchrome and added a speckle filter”

Now it just looks like crap

“And now I’ll enlerge this section and you can see it!!”

Your just nuts.

“You are all fools just look at my home page for proof!!!”

Its the same damned pictures

“Yes!! Exactly!! Proof!”

We’re whalers on the moon! We carry our harpoons! But there ain’t no whales so we tell tall tales and sing this whaling tune!

I CLAIM THIS MOON (which will now be renamed “WalMoon”) IN THE NAME OF THE EARTH!! BOOYA!!!

“Today… is our Independence Day…”

Woo Hoo! I’m Walking On The Moon Like A Mother-fuck!