Netmeeting and MSN messenger

Does anyone else on here have both of these programs running? I just installed them and would like to do a quick netmeeting and see if it works OK. I would like to do it using MSN messenger, as this is how I’ll connecting with a friend of mine who’s installing the same setup.

If you can test with me, my MSN nick is zette100

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.
Not enough and you’re gonna die…

I don’t have that set up here but, I do have it at home. I use it to talk to my parents in Michigan. Let me know what you think!


“Mother Mercy, can your loins bear fruit forever?/Is your fecundity a trammel or a treasure?”
-Bad Religion

You have both installed? If so, can you try to connect with me later so I can try it out?

Anyone else?

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.
Not enough and you’re gonna die…

I have them both at home as well Zette girl… I’ll look for you when I get there after work.

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Zette -

I’m on as justadude. I added you. Get online and we can do this.

Yer pal,