Never mind the Nazis, let's look to the Pharaoh from Exodus for cultural defense

I know, I know, it’s a straw man. But when people are calling migrant workers invaders & advocating shooting them on sight, I think the usual hyperbole isn’t hyperbolic enough.

So, in the interest of making sure America (God Bless the USA, & crown US all with Brotherhood, Charity, & Full Sexual Function) remains Capitalist, Anglophone, & Suchlike, how far are our Loyal & Patriotic Countrymen willing to go?

There are now lots of people blithely saying that we should reverse the 14th Amendment, which would mean that being born in the USA no longer confers citizenship. But then, if you were born in the USA to parents also born in the USA, which were lifelong resident aliens, would you be a citizen? How far does it go?

And, hey, certain attitudes, most would agree, are somehow un-American. Don’t we have an interest in maintaining American culture in the face of internal rebellion against our values? I mean, the “Constitution in Exile” crowd get their support from somewhere. Plenty of people don’t think “Liberal” & “True American” are even overlapping categories.

Go ahead, raise your hand if you actually think that being a member of the Communist Party is sufficient cause to lose US citizenship, & perhaps become a man without a country.

Or raise your hand if you think that the Chicanos, those Americans who are culturally Mexican, should be repatriated, reeducated, or other rendered out of existence, so our God-Given English Culture will survive.

I propose a more humane solution than simply shooting all those Commie Spanish-speakers. If you are a Communist, or Hispanic (& admit it, there’s a significant overlap; Che Guevara wasn’t a White European Fully Evolved Modern Human), we won’t execute you. We’ll just restrict your ability to breed. It’s just not worth the risk of a generation of native-born “Americans” coming up that will change our Values into something Unrecognizable. But we can’t have death camps, or shooting in the streets, it’s un-American. So we’ll have forced sterilization & abortion instead.

The Pro-Choicers won’t like it, but hey, Those People had a Right to Choose. They could have been good loyal Americans, instead of breeding red-diaper babies, or they could have gone to Mexico, where Commies like that belong.

The Pro-Life side will split in two, of course. The Goddamn Catholics, with their creepy Internationalism, will Insist that all “Human” life is Sacred, even Illegal Mexican Life. The good, God-fearing, homegrown Christians, who Know Jesus, & Know Jesus was a WASP, understand what Defending “Life” Really Means. And we can Separate the Wheat from the Chaff.



Oh, what’s the point? No matter how vile the proposition, someone will embrace it seriously.

Jesus was Protestant? Dang, the Catholics are gonna be annoyed to hear that…

You know you’ve lost the argument when you have to compare someone to Pharoah. (Or Pharaoh, as the case may be.)

And I think you’re right. Some people just won’t get it.

So you’re saying that if Pharaoh doesn’t get his way, God wins?

The Pharaoh was just acting as God wished, so that God could have a chance to show off.

Pharoah did not want the Israelites to leave Egypt. He wanted them to stay as slave laborers. Which is more like W’s “guest-worker” program than what the Minutemen want.

I, for one, welcome our Yul Brenner overlord.

Look, if you’re going to force millions of people away from their homes (and don’t mind how many die in the process), there’s really nobody better to look to than Joe Stalin.

It’s unfortunate that some people are so far to the right they won’t even consider the ideas of those on the opposite side of the political spectrum (though I think the’re closer than they know. I imagine this to be something like a Nyquist plot, where when you go out to positive infinity you manage to circle around to the other extreme).

Does this mean we get to drown Bush and/or Cheney (honestly, I’d rather it be Cheney) in the Red Sea? I’d watch that on Fox.

I can see the banner now: God’s Direct Interference in Politics - Bad for America?

We needn’t look overseas for such a man. We have our very own Andrew Jackson for inspiration.

That was 17,000, at most, and not millions.

Hey, he did the best he could with what he had to work with.

I see it as a progression of ignorance, myself. First, Americans didn’t want the Irish. Then they didn’t want the Asians, the Jews, the Italians, the subcontinental Asians or the Arabs. Today, the immigrants who will finally kill our culture happen to be Latino. In a few years, maybe it’ll be Arabs again, or maybe they’ll find somebody new to pick on. (My money is on the Bulgarians, but maybe they’ll surprise me and go with someone you’d never suspect, like the Swedes.)
And come to think of it, Americans weren’t particularly fond of the Natives they found when they first came here in the first place or the black people they dragged over from Africa, either. Maybe I’m saying we’re a bunch of misanthropic fucks. Or maybe I’m saying, not by way of excuse, that this is normal human behavior after a fashion, and that all you can do is try to protect the present victims and deal with the attitude. And here I’m talking about attitudes toward immigrants, not particular questions of illegal immigration. You can point out many legitimate problems with the immigration system in this country, but I think it’s clear that a lot of people are freaking out about the issue with regard to Latinos right now for reasons of racism and prejudice.

Well said. Jackson slaughtered the number of Indians he had, not the number of Indians he wanted. :stuck_out_tongue:

So, where all the white women at?

The immorality is the same. And as others have noted, his supply was more limited than Stalin’s.

<raises hand> I do sort of think that, or at least the non-strawman version of it. That’s to say, I think that immigrants coming here should assimilate to American culture, learn to speak English, etc. The thing is, that’s generally happened in the past, and it’s probably going to happen with the immigrants coming now. So I don’t know if we really have to “do” anything.

Well, yeah, that’s the difference. We don’t have to “do” anything to “Save Our Culture.” But some people seem willing to start a war over it, when it’s an imaginary problem.

I must have grown up, lived, and worked in different places than the assimilation crowd. There is not one aspect of Mexican culture, except dialect (not language), certain culinary aspects, and minor traditional sports differences that isn’t part of American culture. Sure, that culture doesn’t really exist outside of Texas and the other Southwestern states, but Texas and the other Southwestern states are surely American.