Never thought such a shallow band could write such a meaningful song

Blink 182 - Adam’s Song

Your nominations?

That’s a hell of an example – I always liked the energy of their music, but it seemed like there was just too much poo-poo and pee-pee in their lyrics to bother wading through.

I also like their music, but can’t tolerate the lead singer’s Spiccoliesque prounounciations. Great lyrics, by the way, but I’m not sure if I’ve heard it. Does it get a lot of radio play? Is it unusually slow to match the dark lyrics?

I also like their music, but can’t tolerate the lead singer’s Spiccoliesque prounounciations. Great lyrics, by the way, but I’m not sure if I’ve heard it. Does it get a lot of radio play? Is it unusually slow to match the dark lyrics?

Can I nominate a single lyric? I’ve always loved the line from the Will Smith song “Just the Two of Us” -
"Throughout life people will make you mad
Disrespect you and treat you bad
Let God deal with the things they do
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too "

That’s just plain good advice, there, regardless of the source.

I have to ask: what is Spiccoliesque?

adj. In a manner remeniscent of Jeff Spicoli [Sean Penn], a stoner from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

I think that’s actually Bill Withers. Unless that part is the rap that Will Smith does.

Gotcha - thanks

Good question - it’s harder to tell attribution when they mix it up like that. Searching…searching…nope, that’s not part of the Bill Withers/Grover Washington, Jr. original song.

I nominate The Cure’s Pictures of You as the finest example of the opposite. Good song, and all, but not exactly deep.

Just very whiny.

The Dead Milkmen aren’t known for being deep (or even good) but I’ve always found this lyric from “Life Is Shit” to be pretty good:

And when my friend and I were
done we went to rest upon the
sun 'cause life takes from us
the things, we love and robs us
of the special ones and puts
them where where we can’t climb
and we only miss them all the time