New addition to the world, and to the SDMB


May God bless and keep your newborn baby!


And you get, I think, my 700th.

Happy sonday for the rest of the week :slight_smile:

Now, everyone repeat after me: Mr. Cynical, take a break from the boards and . . . what, that was too long to repeat? Whatever. Amateurs.

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. C! Jake Ryan is an awesome name. :cool:

Congratulations Mom & Dad!!

Welcome to the world Jake!

< peeking in after a morning of network cabling problems >

^5 Mr. Cynical – Now you HAVE to take me to lunch so I can see pics of the little tike.

Hugs to you, wife and baby!

Congratulations on the new Cynical baby. Jake Ryan is a cool name (very macho!)

Best to mom, too!


What, you didn’t name him Cecil???

Wise man. :wink:

Congratulations to you and the missus. I hope the little guy lets you sleep occasionally. :slight_smile:

Congrats, Mr. C.

BTW, my wife just had our 3rd little boy last week, so I can fully appreciate your joy. I have to admit that Sherry’s labor

See? Dragwyr’s life is now so complicated he had to leave mid-post. :wink:

Congrats on your new little one as well, Drag.

Yay! Welcome to the world, Jake! Now ease up, and let your dad post :slight_smile:


Congrats! Way to go, Mrs. C!

Mr. Cynical, I wish you and your newly expanded family much love and happiness. And as soon as Jake learns to type, tell him to come on over and say hello! :smiley:

Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Cynical!!

Very cool! Congrats man. So are you gonna raise lil Jake to be a cynic like you?

Congratulations Mr & Mrs C!!!

Welcome to the world, Jake. You’re a lucky kid to have the parents you have.

Congrats! I’ll be sending positive thoughts your way!