New and Unimproved Workplace Rants

Pretty much this, with twists. All of our work is supposed to be stored in our synced Box folders. Box is like Dropbox: the files are actually in a cloud storage but appear to be in special folders on your local hard drive so they’re easily accessible.

Peter, though, has a real rat’s nest for a brain when it comes to organizing, storing, and backing up. He duplicated the Box files into a separate directory on his hard drive, so their contents weren’t actually backed up to Box, and he did his work in the duplicated directory and then moved it over to the directory that synced to Box at the end of his project.

He also liked to create a brand-new folder for the day when he was working on graphics, and he’d copy files over from the previous folder and then make changes in the new folder. Lather, rinse, repeat. So there could be a dozen or more folders for any one project, with duplicate files in all of them, but he didn’t, necessarily, use a file from the most recent folder when he was linking and he had a habit of linking to the folders that were in his duplication of Box and not the folders that were actually in Box.

And then, of course, he never bothered to give them a number and move the graphic into the shared art folder where all the graphics are supposed to be stored so either of us could use them just by looking up the name and number in a spreadsheet file so we didn’t have to reproduce something the other had already made. He thought doing this last was too time consuming. It is a little overhead, but the time it saves in locating a graphic for reuse instead of having to recreate it more than makes up for that. Considering how much time he wasted creating graphics by getting things lined up to the micromillimeter, his complaint about it taking too much time is absurd.

At any rate, today I spent some time with FrameMaker trying to find the missing files (about 32 of them across 4 different books). Frame has the lovely ability to tell you where it expects the file to be that is linked into the document, so I had the complete path and file name. The files aren’t in our cloud storage. The folders they’re supposed to be stored in aren’t there, either.

And to add the shit sauce poured over the shit cherry on the shit sundae, there’s also at least 2 or 3 dozen graphics that WEREN’T added to the document by linking them from an external file. Instead, they are embedded, which means there’s no way at all to find them if I ever need to update them because I don’t even know what they’re named, much less where they’re stored.

I could kill him. Slowly and painfully.

Sounds like a “poison pill” planted by “Peter” to screw over the company if they let him go. Passive-agressive? Sounds like it might be deliberate to me, a hearty f*** you to a company that drops him off the payroll.

Yeah, I’d put decent odds on purposeful … not sabotage, exactly, but a hearty fucking-over … rather than him just being idiosyncratic or eccentric.

If his actions really were innocent, then they were breathtakingly selfish, because the man shows less than zero regard for his co-workers and their time & effort.

So, either the guy was deliberately setting up being a colossal douche as revenge, or he was being a giant douche simply by going about his day.

Either way, what a fuckhead.

My complaint is that I work retail, and therefore, not the customary M-F 8-5 schedule. In fact, I work Sat and Sunday, and usually Mon/Tues is my “weekend” instead.

I try not to blow up people’s phones out of boredom on a Monday afternoon (“hey! wanna chitty-chat?”) because I know folks are busy.

So don’t make me the bad guy for not wanting to chat on a Saturday afternoon (“gurl, I am at work”) or on a Saturday night when I just dragged home my carcass and just wanna eat & crash.

I’ve gotten repeated … we’ll call them “hints” … that I don’t make time for others. Well, I don’t see y’all making time for me, either. I’m ever so sorry you’re swamped on Monday afternoon but Saturday is my equivalent.

He actually is pretty eccentric when it comes to organizing files on a computer. I’ve found files more than 20 directory levels deep. At one point he had a directory for files he’d brought from elsewhere that was about 15 or so levels deep, and in one of those he had a complete duplication of the entire directory (which also had 20 or more levels of directories).

He worked the same way as I described when he was the only writer, too. It’s just the way he works. He claimed it made sense (to him) and that it ensured that if files went missing or got lost that he had a backup in place and he didn’t understand why it didn’t make sense to me but, as I said, when it came to organizing his work, his mind is a bit of a rat’s nest. I don’t think he was allowed to use his computer after his termination notice, so he didn’t have time to move stuff to where it belonged. Maybe.

I’ve cut off contact with him as I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to communicate without becoming abusive.

Meantime, sorry about the friends. It’s like the ones who think that just because you work from home, you can: watch over the kids, get the house cleaning done, are available for conversation at any time, can just run out to the store for that one item, etc., etc. Or the ones who don’t understand that when you work night shift, you sleep during the day so no, lunch is not going to happen.

Didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m having another brain-fog day. While trying to do some work when I don’t feel like doing any, I’ve also been pondering what the problems are with a micromanaging boss. So these are sort of … shower thoughts.

If you micromanage your experienced professionals, assuming they don’t just up and quit or read you the riot act, they’re going to start just doing the minimum to cope with you. If you don’t give them any autonomy in how they do their jobs but instead tell them detail by detail what you want done next, they’re going to do each of those tasks as you ask for them, and then sit and wait for the next one. Especially if you are also a perfectionist. They quickly get tired of doing the tasks “wrong” because they did it before you told them how you wanted it done, so they just stop trying.

So one thought: don’t then criticize them later for not taking initiative or being self-motivated. You made them develop learned helplessness with your management style.

Another thought: if this is your style when you are trying to get the person trained up as your go-to subject matter expert, you’re doing it very wrong!

Worst overall boss: She was hopelessly out of her depth in IT. First of all, she refused to approve business cards for me even though I had to go out to client sites. Once I was refused entry to a site because “No one would send a field service tech out without some proof that he works for the company.” and when I told her she gave me a stack of her cards to give clients. She made me work on projects for her that I found out later they were her homework for her degree she was working on. When I found out how much extra time I was putting him on her homework I refused to help and she fired me for insubordination. When I had my exit interview with the department VP, I told him the whole story and he didn’t keep me. Found out they had investigated further because she was doing the same with the other tech and they fired her two months later.

Had two bosses that refused to put anything in email and would then lie about what they said to you. One of them threatened to fired me if I didn’t work outside my contract - verbally of course and refused to confirm when I sent emails on it.

But the worst was a principal I had. I can work with incompetent bosses if they stay out of my way but he was incompetent and micromanaged. Why was he so bad? One day I found out he didn’t give me paperwork I had to sign off as the school union rep. When I found out about this I went to the front office and asked him why he didn’t give me the paperwork to read and approve. Before I tell you his reply, you need to know he had a history of this and telling his APs to ignore contract rules. He hated union “interference” and he hated me since I was the face of the union and called him and his APs out on every contract and state law violation. So his response to me was (no lie), “I know this is around the anniversary of your daughter’s death and I didn’t want to bother you over this.” Yeah, the fucker used my daughter’s death as an excuse to try to screw over the union again.

This also applies to spouses.

I think my micro-managing supervisor has finally realized that I actually accomplish much more when left alone; I periodically check in with him if I’m working on something that affects the monthly budget, or if it involves some assembly he personally worked on in the past.

I have had family drop by for a visit (yes, during the pandemic!) after finding out that I was working from home. “Oh, you’re really working? Are you busy?” :persevere:

Reminds me a lot of when I moved to Raleigh to attend college – I had loads of people squealing with excitement at the prospect of coming to stay with me to go shopping and party. I was in computer science at the time (I later changed my major)…hell, I barely saw my own bed during my last semester.

This is taped to a sorting machine where I work (in a low-traffic area where the higher-ups won’t see it):

So, last Friday, I was riding an adult-sized trike back to my assigned post after a break, and I collided with an electrically-powered vehicle (known as a mule). Some salient facts: There were no injuries to speak of; there was no damage to any property or equipment; and I was 100% at fault.

I prepared and signed a statement asserting those salient facts, and on Saturday much to my non-surprise, I learned that all adult-sized trikes operated by the maintenance personnel had been removed from the workroom floor. On Monday, my supervisor notified me that the maintenance personnel would be forbidden to use ANY wheeled conveyances (including electric golf carts), by order of the plant manager.

All right. Seems like a dick move on his part, but he’s the plant manager, and he has the power. I’m not in the business of getting in pissing contests with people who have power.

So. Tuesday, my supervisor approaches me and asks me if I’m SURE I was 100% at fault, and would I consider recanting my statement? Yes, I’m SURE, and NO, I won’t consider backing off my acceptance of responsibility, and what would be the point? Am I looking at some form of disciplinary action if I accept full responsibility?

No, says my supervisor, but some of the mail handlers are upset that the woman driving the mule didn’t get her PIT* license summarily pulled for her involvement in the collision, because (according to him) that’s standard practice when a PIT is involved in any kind of accident.

I said, “Do other PIT operators get a statement absolving them of responsibility and still lose their PIT licenses”?

“No,” he replied. “I just don’t want you to feel pressured into saying anything.”

“That’s fine. Then stop trying to pressure me into saying it wasn’t my fault!"

I’m still kinda hoping that the chief steward is able to argue for getting our wheels back. This workroom floor covers several acres, and I’m not the only maintenance tech who prefers riding to walking.

*PIT = Powered Industrial Truck

Funny thing. I just found out that the woman operating the mule is the plant manager’s wife. I mentioned this to a coworker, and she said “Where have YOU been?” “Not getting to know the mail handlers,” was the only answer I could give.

I think I mentioned that my Horrible Boss is gone. If not, it’s never too late to celebrate! I was working on something yesterday, and it reminded me of some things she did. She was so awful, usually for no reason. I’m so happy I don’t have to work with her. I do have one problem, though. I’ve been working at this job so long that all of my references are from years ago, and it would be strange to use them now. My ex-boss is the main person from this job that I would use for a reference, but I have absolutely no desire to ever talk to her again. Is it really weird to not use her as a reference?

Several of the companies I’ve worked for went out of business shortly after I left, so I had lost contact with my former bosses, thus giving me a good excuse for not naming them as references. :LOL:

I’m so pissed. I’ve never worked full time and NOT had health coverage.

I’ve worked some janky-ass fucking jobs in my day, but never NOT had an employer-covered flu shot.
Penny wise, pound foolish.

Next asshole at work asks why I had to take off sick the other day gets to pay the OUT OF POCKET cost for me to go find out!
Cuz I don’t know!

So just for some background; I work fulltime and go to college part-time, was diagnosed with depression & anxiety back in January (& which got a hell of a lot worse in March for some reason :wink:), and just started therapy this month. When I first met my therapist and told her were I work she was already very familiar with my employer. We’ve been hemorrhaging personnel for awhile now, didn’t hire for open enrollment season, and the call center is severely understaffed. We’re basically failing all our service level agreements.

This month the company announced they were “restructuring the incentive program” and implementing a new “retention bonus”. I didn’t realize at the time because of the wording in the announcement, but just found out today* that the result is basically a pay cut for everyone. I mean technically it’s not a pay cut; it just means that everyone’s paychecks will be smaller. :roll_eyes: It’s supposed to start next month, but nobody can tell exactly me exactly how that’s going to work with pay cycles for wages earned in October, but paid in November. I should be getting an incentive, but nobody can tell me what that’s going to be. Also now to get any incentive at all you have to work at least 130 actual hours a month, PTO doesn’t count even it it’s pre-approved. So nobody can take more than 4 days of vacation, sick time, FMLA, bereavement, etc. per month without getting a month without be financially penalized. Which is ironic because we actually get a decent amount of PTO. So fuck my employer, this is going to backfire horribly once people start realizing what’s happening, and I want of this ship before I drown with all the other rats.

*I found out via a social media post from a coworker, who is also friends with my mother, who is now hysterical, and called me after I finally calmed down wanting to talk about it.

You might yet qualify for 2020 marketplace coverage under a special enrollment period.

Might be worth checking out if you’re eligible, and open enrollment for 2021 plans starts 11/1/20.

I’m editing an InDesign document that someone else created, and it is the worst. They didn’t use styles, and it’s a long document, so yes, it really needs styles. There are some styles, but they’re applied randomly, and there’s a lot of text that doesn’t have a style.

I tried to edit a chunk of text, and couldn’t do anything to it. It turns out they put it on the master page, but it’s only used once, on one page, so there’s absolutely no reason for it to be on the master. There are other master pages that are only used for one page, which is extremely odd. I’m expecting more unpleasant surprises when I start making bigger changes. :worried:

Mini rant here because I’m fucking off to retirement in a few months, partly because I’m just done with stuff like this. But wanted to post to help future managers understand how bad micromanaging is.

In a previous job I was on a team that prepared and delivered formal presentations in person to external customers a couple times a year. In fact, they were industry working groups, typically attended by 30 - 60 people, generally management level and above in their own companies. I participated in Toastmasters at this company also, which helped a lot. But my main point here is to show that I have experience with presenting to external customers, and from large to small groups and formal to casual environments.

In this current job, which I’ve mentioned in other threads my boss is a micromanager, he also micromanages all of my interactions with our external customers. One single agency, and the team we interact with is only 3 - 4 people. He’s made it clear that I am never to interact with them on a casual basis, no “winging it”. He made that clear one day when I was going to help one of the clients with some questions they had, just by having a discussion with them without preparing in advance and when he caught wind of it he called and yelled at me minutes before our meeting was starting and forced me to cancel and reschedule it. (At the same time he was telling me how winging it made us look bad, he seemed oblivious to the fact that cancelling a meeting at the literal last minute also made us look bad. The client was actually sending me emails while I was on the phone getting yelled at, going “I’m here, are we meeting?”)

So I must prepare the presentation or demo that I’m going to do and practice it until it’s perfect. In a scenario like the above, I have to get their questions in advance so I can research and make sure I have answers ready. To make sure of this, he also has me do test runs with him, and gives me feedback in the test runs for everything he wants me to do differently. Which is a lot since he’s a perfectionist and a micromanager.

The net effect is that I am now terrified of interacting with our customers and any time he tells me I need to do a demo for them I get an upset stomach. I’ve gone from someone with confidence doing demos and presentations to someone with ZERO confidence. Thanks, asshole. I’m going to really enjoy giving you my two-weeks notice because of this crap.

I’m working at a college, (UK version). I was there last year, as a lab tech while I finished up my degree- it could be pretty stressful and disorganised, but they were willing to work around my course (as it was run through another campus in the same organisation) and for only 2 days a week it was OK.

This year I’m adding some ‘teaching’ to the hours I was doing last year.

This is not going OK.

The chaos is genuinely ridiculous- for example, this Friday is a staff development day. Did I find out about this from my staff email? Or my line manager, who’s based in the next room and is in and out of my office because that’s where the staff kitchen is? No! I find out from a student, who mentions it in passing. I still have no idea what time it starts or finishes- and I don’t normally work Fridays (bar one class in the morning- it barely pays for my fuel, but I’ve been doing some volunteer work with someone else on site) but I’m expected to attend, so that matters. I’ve confirmed that it is supposed to be going ahead with my line manager, which is why I know I’m supposed to be there, but she - the department head- hasn’t been told anything about it either. The little I have heard implies that it’s mostly to watch a video recorded by the organisation CEO.

Yep, despite the fact that covid levels are rising and we’ve had 2 confirmed cases within the organisation (though not on that site) in the past week, and out official main technique for avoiding a major outbreak is to maintain small ‘bubbles’, they’re getting all the staff from every department to come in so they can all sit in one room to watch a damn video.

All the systems got rewritten over summer, as part of some planned restructuring, and half of them don’t work. We’re being drowned in meaningless paperwork, and getting no actual guidance or information on anything.

We’re not wearing masks.

Official government policy is that teaching staff should not be wearing them while teaching, on disability discrimination grounds (students who lipread or semi-lipread, which is a real issue). While I do understand that, and given that our classes are usually under 10 students and often mainly outside due to the subject area, if other practices were followed it might even be OK; but none of the other measures are actually being followed. We have ‘one way’ systems that involve going out locked doors, classes are routinely being lumped into one big group - one of the ones I’m ‘teaching’- (in scare quotes because I have no syllabus, it’s officially practical skills with no info about what skills these are supposed to be, it’s just filling a timetable gap to make up hours) has students from 3- or occasionally even 5- different classes in it, and half my department’s staff are basically straight up anti-maskers. So far as I can make out, this is due to a pathetic feud with another department who are wearing masks most of the time. The timetable means all students from all departments (who are officially not supposed to be socialising at all) have lunch break at the same time, in the same little canteen, then sit in the same room to eat. I’m sharing an office with two guys who are of the opinion that ‘Oh, everyone’s going to get it, we just need to get it all over and done with’ and not only refuse to follow any precautions, they even encourage students to ignore it. One of the two only started a week or so ago, he’s being horrified about how the place is run, though he also appears to be an utter prick (like referring to people working manual labour jobs as ‘idiot nobodies’, which is a brilliant attitude to have in a college where a substantial proportion of the students are likely to wind up in such roles), so I can’t even relax in the office.

And the punchline to all of this? The wages I’m getting as so low that I’m actually having to take money from my savings to live. I wasn’t told how many hours I would be getting added this year until it had already started- well, later than that, over the first weeks I had classes added and dropped from my timetable without me being notified in any way (or able to look it up, as the online system is updated centrally, usually several weeks behind) at least 4 or 5 times. I mean I walked out the office and there was a group of students all ready for a practical session asking me ‘what are we doing for this class?’ and that was how I found out I had a class. More than once.

I was expecting this year to be tough, but I wasn’t quite expecting this.

I’m applying desperately to other jobs, but the sector job market is so wobbly right now that I’ve had no luck even from the places that are usually desperate for staff. On paper, the job looks like a good one for a new grad- a useful step to starting a career in the sector. I’ve got a load of short-term crappy jobs like waiting and cleaning in my recent work history, this is the recent only one that looks like a ‘serious’ role, I really can’t afford to quit with nothing decent lined up…

Before you tell him off and flip him the bird, you’d better do a practice run first.

LOL! You’re so right!