New and Unimproved Workplace Rants

The good news is we got amazing new cash registers for the cashiers, just in time to learn them before the holiday rush!

The bad news is that there are five registers that are set for right hand use, and one for the left hand. So which one did they assign to the cashier with a disabled left hand?

I lasted an hour, then had to play the card I hate to play: I need another machine. The manager looked at me, thought about 1/2 of a second, and said “Oh. Because of your hand.” I guess it’s nice they don’t think of me as “the cashier with the bad left hand.”

If I spend 20 minutes writing you a guide, then take you through an online meeting demonstrating how you do it…then I actually expect you to refer to the guide when you try to do it yourself.


We had a power surge late on Friday afternoon that fried our credit/debit card machines. We then put up signs on the front door and on each till notating the fact that we cannot take credit/debit cards until the new machines arrive. So don’t get pissy with me when I get your groceries all rung up and you try to pay with a card and I say we can’t take it. We put those signs up for you, not for us. You could do us a solid and actually read the damn things.

As a funny aside, I had one guy that tried to pay with a card and I had to refuse (of course). So he went out to his vehicle to see if he had a check blank and found a hundred dollar bill in the glove box. :eek:

Aren’t left handed people generally accustomed to using right handed machinery anyway? I was a bank teller in college and the right side numeric keypad left me no choice but to become proficient with my right hand. Between that and volleyball the only things I can still do with my left are eat and write!

Ever had that discussion with your manager about issues, and you mention some of your personal issues outside of work that are impacting you and the manager just shakes their head ‘no’ the entire time and keeps trying to cut you off and steer you back to work?

From a Corporatist point of view (to which I don’t subscribe), I understand the whole bullshit about “leave outside problems at the door”, but seriously, do you know ANYONE who can completely pull that off? Me neither.

Oh, and sitting there glaring at me while shaking your head no only tells me that you don’t actually give a fuck about me as a Human. That’s the sort of thing I remember and take to heart.

I pull that off every day. I do not want or need my employers and fellow employees in my personal business.

The rule is that cell phones can only be used in the break room, not in the store. Bullshit. If I need to make a call, I go outside. Not only do I not want them to hear, I also think it’s damn rude to think they have to hear your personal conversations (and as a sore cashier who has had to listen to hundreds of customers on their phones, I think that subjecting others to your private conversations is just wrong.)

We call this being a “sexist bigot”.

Nice of you to carefully edit out the second paragraph, which carried my point to its conclusion (i.e. “this has been my experience”) just so you can call names.

Because drawing a conclusion without enough samples is indeed a mark of a bigot.

Just found out today that one of our customer service reps for overseas locations was “given a severance package.” This fellow was also fond of using his personal email account to conduct business…amazingly, he has been providing these emails to one of our on-site customer service reps, who is slowly making his way through them to clean up open orders. He came across one very urgent email from June…despite the nature of the message from this customer, former overseas rep guy didn’t see fit to forward it to anyone. >.< This customer has now refused to open any new orders with us until the issues are resolved.

Nothing like being shown the door after 13 years as part of a general layoff…with 48 hours before network and physical access is shut down.

I’m in the commercial construction trade and this rant always seems to blow me away.

The remodeling crew didn’t magically finish the job in minutes you say??? Well holy shit!!!

Watching office gimps vomit construction deadlines is always great for a fucking laugh…Please explain how you could do it faster with your Wal-Mart screw driver and corded drill…

Sorry, my turn to vent…

We did a walkthrough today on the Health First building we’re remodeling. 95% of our work has been out of sight/mind of all the regular employees at this location. We eventually have to tap into the existing generators to finish the add-on that we were contracted to do. Anyways, the 12 dollar an hour scum continually gave us the stink eye today for impeding on their barely above minimum wage space.

I’m dealing with a 90 thousand dollar draw…your 20 bucks worth of inconvenience means less than nothing to me or anyone connected to me.

Deal with it…

Ah, construction stuff. The sound of progress I say. It’s always temporary. There’s elevated train trackwork going on in my neighborhood right now. From 9pm to 4am. Why? Because it’s the Purple Line and that line doesn’t run at night, so why not do the work when no commuters will be impacted? Oh, the whining by neighbors on Everyblock! It’s the end of their whole life! Yes, they use airhorns, they have to because while they’re working on the north and south bound tracks for one train line, the other one, the Red Line, runs all night. So they’re working on tracks that are immediately next to tracks that have trains running on them - electric trains - with a live third rail. No missteps allowed, they can’t be surprised, and the only safest warning system for oncoming trains is air horns.

Suck it up, all you little buttercups. It’s for 6 weeks and isn’t every night. Jeez. Earplugs, white noise, you really can deal with it.

On to workplace… Sheesh, it’s not worth explaining, but non-handy people should just admit defeat before trying, before they make it worse. Plus, when you make sure things can be handled electronically and then find out they’re using paper forms instead because reasons. Not smart reasons, either. Gah!

Oh, damn. I’m so sorry to hear this!

Comparatively minor but definitely work-related:

My co-worker two cubicles over has spent the entire morning and is still on the phone with one hotel, making a reservation for ONE person, for two nights. She has no inside voice, is dumber than a bag of hammers and I have an online radio station on my headphones, playing Celtic music LOUDLY, and I can still freaking hear her. Please make her STFU. I could have made the reservation, negotiated the best rate and sent in the PO in less than 5 minutes.

Kill me now (before I climb over the partitions, rip the phone from her hands and strangle her with the cord).

I’ll add another damn - just damn.

Understand your feelings completely - had that happen to me as well. It just plain sucks.:frowning:

Hope things get better for you quickly.

Ah, what a sorry excuse for a human being you are. “12 an hour scum” and how you’re so much more important. :rolleyes:

His post seemed so over the top I assumed that it did not reflect his sincerely-held views.