New chick tract!

Don’t think we’ve done this one (forgive (heh) me if we have).

Love That Money!

Evidently people who “love that money” have large, hooked noses. Interesting.

And he falls back on his old favorite, that someone who is clearly an American has never heard about Christ’s blood sacrifice.

I told her not to fall down in the storefront again. What the fuck is her problem!?

Disapppointing story, not insulting enough to anyone with a brain, I dont recognize my Chick there. Where is the storytelling level of the tale where he told all Muslims how stupid they were for praying to a Moon Godess. I want that.

I’d settle for a little racism.

really, did he just phone that one in? where is the little urchin with huge eyes, and the haha, and the weird confusion about what religions are actually like, and how evil catholics are? :confused:

Maybe it’s just because I’m a little sleep-deprived, but that was the most incoherent tract I’ve read. Chick is losing his touch.

“How are you doing, friend?”
“Lousy! I wish I were dead!”
“Death won’t change anything! Your body dies, but your* soul *lives on. You’ll **still ** be miserable.”

Boy, that dude really knows how to cheer a guy up.

Not a single bigoted thing in that tract.

Hope he isn’t sick…

“Soup Kitchen #9”? Wasn’t that a big hit for The Searchers?

Isn’t it longer than his typical tracts?

I think he might have someone else writing for him now. As others have said, it’s not the same.

Yeah, so does the guy witnessing to the main guy. Almost everyone in this tract has big noses. Lame-o complaint.

This is really mild for a Chick tract. I don’t think he’s back-peddling (there’s no “Ooops, I Goofed. I don’t agree with the Catholic Church but it ain’t The Whore!” tract yet) but I think he is mellowing.

If Joe was a rich banker, how was he ruined by the crash? His bank would have got a government bailout and he’d get a record bonus.

Not even a Haw Haw Haw. Lame

Wait, what? Chick doesn’t do the stuff you normally snark on him for, so you snark on him for it? I’m so confused.

The take-home message seems to be that if you fall down, don’t have LifeAlert and some impatient pedestrian is mean to you, pray for them and a tree will fall on their house, crushing them to death.*

Maybe Johnny Hart is doing freelance work.
*In real life, C. Everett Koop would lay some Biblical retribution on you.

This is really confusing?

Think about it like this. People love to watch Ed Wood movies like Bride of the Monster or Plan 9 from Outer Space to laugh at them, because they are hilariously bad. Let’s say Ed Wood puts out a movie that is still bad, but more or less competently done. People won’t enjoy that.

It’s the difference between “so bad it’s good,” and “bad.”

That said, Chick has been turning out tracts like this for a long time. It’s pretty similar to a lot of his early tracts. Not all of them are about Islamic moon-gods or Catholic conspiracies.

I once saw a Chick tract, years ago, that was sort of sweet. I think it was titled The Little Princess or something close to that.

It was about a little girl who was dying but wanted to go trick or treating one last time with her big brother. At one house the siblings get not just candy but a tract along with it. The neighbors that passed it out, along with the candy, realize the girl is sick and start praying for her. Meanwhile she reads the tract, sees the light, and gets her parents and brother to read it too. The neighbor family is called, they get the family converted. Of course, that night the little girl dies and goes to heaven. Last scene is of her brother putting flowers on her grave and telling her someday they will meet again

Chick didn’t dis Halloween in this one, which surprised me. The neighbors did participate in trick or treat, because they gave candy out along with the religion. And the parents, while a bit clueless, were loving to their kids. All in all, much more persuasive than the bigoted stuff.

Man, that guy’s hair is worse than the boss in Dilbert.

And you gotta love his vampire-like death, with a giant beam driven directly through his heart and out his back.

Also, I like the little “Watch what happens” arrow.

But overall, not enough to lift this tract above the pedestrian. It’s a solid workaday effort, but no more.

I know that it’s not reasonable to expect them to just give away all the tracts that people want, but still, the order box gave me a chuckle.

Sixteen cents…love that money!

I like how the woman just assumes that Mr. HorseAss isn’t a Christian. What, it’s impossible to be both a jerk and a believer in Christ? From my experience alone I know that ain’t necessarily true by a long shot.