New Concepts for Law and Order Spinoffs

Law & Order: RIAA

This week: The “Kazaa” unit cracks down on Columbia University file traders.

Law and Order: SDMB

"In the Straight Dope Justice System, the posters are served by
two separate, yet equally important groups: the moderators who investigate
inappropriate posts, and the administrators who ban the offenders.

These are their stories…"

(doink doink!)

Greene: Something musta happened when the thread got moved from MPSIMS
to Great Debates. Look at this mess: innuendo, invective, no cites for
a damn thing said. Wild, outlandish assertions without any kind of reference
to reality!

Briscoe: Looks like a post by Aldebaran and Milum’s love child!

**Law & Order ** Toilet Patrol. Punishing those who pee on the seat.

Law & Order: Girls Gone Wild
Law & Order: Spring Break Cancun

Law & Order: Pick up your pet’s poop patrol.

I think I read at Fametracker a year or two ago about a suggested “Law & Order: Special Vampire Unit”, as a replacement for when Buffy ended.

This fall, on NBC…some crimes are and affront to decency, to morality, to humanity. But coming in September, Queer Eye’s Carson Kressley wil deal with crimes…against taste.

Carson: Freeze! You’re under arrest for wearing a peacoat without a skullcap! Up against the wall and spread 'em! <wink to the camera>

With Ted Allen as his no-nonsense boss, watch the gritty reality of bad fashion making victims of us all!

Ted: Let it go man, we couldn’t get him this time!

Carson: And let him roam the streets…in a denim leisure suit? The thought makes me sick! <throws a coffee mug and a hissy fit>
Law & Order: Fashion Police coming this fall…only NBC!

Law and Order: CBP (Creatively Bankrupt Productions)

That 70s Law & Order: Kelso & Hutch

Law & Order: Miami Vice

Lawler & Order: WWE

Law & Order: Girls on Trampolines

Law & Order: Monkey Patrol

Law and Pork Her: SEX

Come on.

You could probably edit an episode of Barney Miller, and as long as you put the off-key “Dunt Dunnnn” and some cheesy white text at the bottom, it would be indistinguishable.

Law & Order: AARP
If one person could do it alone…

Law & Order: While you were out
Cops convince loved ones to leave the house for a couple of days while they perform raids. I’d love to see the “reveals” for this show :slight_smile:

Law & Order: DCU
Dry Cleaning Unit - focuses on the oft-overlooked drama of the dry cleaners who work non-stop to make sure cops uniforms are crisp and heavily starched.

Now that they have so many L&O spinoffs, and especially if they add the above ones, they’ll be ready for…

LAW AND ORDER: Internal Affairs
Watch the main characters as they investigate the shenanigans from all of the other shows.

And how about…
LAW AND ORDER: Reality TV Squad
“We’re booking you on a 3-5-7. Running another reality TV show without any frelling originality!”

Watch the two combine to bust the actors on:
Enough said. (Actually, too much said.)

Oh, and to Wumpus – Be careful what you wish for. I seem to recall that either L&O is spinning off a CSI type of show, or CSI is spinning off one set in New York. I can’t remember which.

The latter. They just signed Melina Kmumblemumble of “Providence” as one of the leads.

Arson investigation:

Law & Order: Extra Crispy

Law & Order: PTVSEU

L&O: Pointless TV Series Extensions Unit - policing the airwaves to prevent inappropriate Spin-offs and Franchising of…

never mind.

Has anyone mentioned Law & Order: SUV? That’s what I call SVU half the time. :slight_smile:

I’m sure a lot of you have now heard, Jerry Orbach is leaving Law & Order (the original) after 12 seasons. However, he may be moving to another L&O series. (Get the poor man off his feet. He deserves a desk job and a nice raise.) That said, maybe the next series will simply be…

Law & Order: Briscoe


Take old episodes of Law and Order, add a commentary track by people in the foreground and get

Law and order: MST3k

Law & Order: WMD - Them bastiges have gotta be here somewhere…

Oh for God’s sake…how about L&E SPELLING squad…

Law and Order: IANAL

Law and Order: Mayberry

Law and Order: 1920s Style Death Rays (hey, someone had to do it)

Law and Order: Junior Mods

Law and Order: Jedi Knights

Law and Order: Animal Control

Law and Order: Traffic Cops

Law and Order: The Offenderati