A few random thoughts and impressions.
Not too sure about the theme tune, after hearing it only once. Better than McCoy era, certainly. Maybe It’ll grow on me. Nice graphics, good tunnel effect. Almost as good as 5th season Jon Petwee credits. The Doctor Who logo is still crap, though.
The episode itself, a bit hit and miss. Chris has managed to capture the mixture of eccentricity, intelligence and humour perfectly. Potentially a great Doctor. I like him better than the last three already.
His clothes are too ordinary. The Doctor ought to look eccentic. Not a complete prat, but he should stand out.
Interesting that the Doctor hasn’t seen his face before. Looks like thgis his first adventure in a new body. Did he steal his jacket from Rose’s departmenbt store, maybe?
The TARDIS console room - wonderful walls, but hated the consiole itself. All the loose wiring, it looked like the Peter Cushing movie. Shouldn’t have had the Police Box doors, either. Maybe next season they can use a more traditional hexagonal console with lots of switches, buttons and dials
The 45 minute format didn’t really work for me. Not enough time to really develop the situation. Interesting idea to throw Rose straight into the middle of the story without explaining hiow TheDoctor got involved. Still, we really needed more time for development.
The bit where the arm attacks the Doctor was awful. Really stupid. It looked like something out of a Carry On movie.
The Wheelie bin attack: sticking to the guy’s hands- good. Swallowing him and burping - crap.
Shame they killed off web site geek so quickly He could have been an interesting recurring character.
Overall, definitely the best episode since Caves Of Androzani. I’ll give it 6 out of 10