New great white shark at Monterey Bay Aquarium

See it here

Less than a year old, 4’7", 43 pounds.

Anyone up for at trip to Monterey?

Cool! And now I have yet another animal cam to waste my time watching! :slight_smile:

Anyone want to start a death clock? They don’t do well in captivity. Presumably though, they’ll release it at some point?

I won’t make the six hour drive for one shark. But I have fond (?) memories of being terrified at the aquarium while being completely surrounded by 360 degrees of fish. And sometimes one turtle.

They’ve had several over the years and have been very successful at keeping them alive. They get released as soon as they show signs of either not doing well or hunting the other fish in the exhibit.

ETA: six total, all released.

At first I thought it was born in captivity, but no:


I was at the Aquarium in June. I loved the jellyfish.

Some day I’m going to get to the West Coast in conjunction with one of these White Shark opportunities. I’m mad fascinated by them and figure my friends and family would prefer I buy that plane ticket vs one to go in a shark cage off of Mexico. :smiley:

Darn, missed this one. Went a few times last week.

Saw the last one; fascinating.

If you’ve a thing for Great Whites but Monterey isn’t close, Shark Men specifically targets Great Whites for tagging by catching them with a non-lethal system and positioning them over a lift. They bring them up out of the water for blood collection, etc. These guys are very skilled and a real pleasure to watch. Plus, it takes a lot of the fearsome nature out of an encounter and allows you to view this magnificient creature in a completely different light.

Btw, it’s now been determined that Ian Redmond, the honeymooner killed in the Seychelles a couple of weeks ago, was killed by a Great White based on a tooth fragment found in the autopsy, likely the exact same one that killed a French tourist there 2 weeks prior. Probably a rogue in an area not known for Great Whites, it reinforces the importance of additional observation and study.

I don’t have cable any more, but this sounds like Expedition Great White, which I thought was also on NatGeo. That show was fascinating and was pretty much everything I ever wanted out of Shark Week with its respectful and educational (ie, non sensationalistic) treatment of the animals.

Wow, this is great! I’m going to be in Monterey in about a week. I was planning to visit the aquarium anyway, but this makes it even better.

Speaking of great whites, there was an interesting article/slideshow in the LA Times last week:

Debunking sharks’ bad reputation

Wow- seems like we should have a mini-dopefest at the Monterey Bay Aquarium! It is about an hour or so from my house if there isn’t traffic…

Last year I went on a cage diving trip off the coast of Mexico. Completely and totally debunks any ideas you might have about them being mindless killing machines. They seemed to be a bit curious more than anything, and from watching the way individual sharks would move in and out of the area, it seems clear that there is a social order to the sharks in the region.

The boat ride was hell, but once we got there, it was one of the most mind-blowing things I’ve ever done. Highly recommended if you can swing it.

That sounds like a great idea! I’m flying into Monterey on Monday the 12th and back home on Friday the 16th, is midweek do-able?

Probably not for me- as I work ‘normal’ hours, normal weekdays… Too bad… perhaps some of the other folks around here?

I could maybe do that.

Here’s some photos from last year, I like the seadragons best.

I’m about an hour away and I’d be up for dinner one of those nights. I’d have to leave fairly early though since I’m on call that week.

Me too! I don’t know why, but any sort of aquarium building (not just a fish tank, but a full-wall-of-fish sort of experience) terrifies me. I even freaked out in the Museum of Natural Science in the fish area. I honestly have no idea why.

Cool! I’ll start a new thread so we don’t hijack this one, and we can discuss details.

Dopefest thread here.