New House Judiciary Chairman to Obama: Prepare for Investigations

Gosh, at this rate, they’ll have the budget balanced in no time.

I’m sure if Obama tells them that we have to “look forward and not backwards,” the Republicans will leave him alone.

Obama has refused to investigate and voted to cover up serious allegations of rampant law-breaking in the last administration. Meanwhile, his administration zealously prosecutes the whistleblowers who brought to light the evidence of that law-breaking.

If the people he carried water for now want to turn on him, serves him right. Maybe he’ll start his own investigations in retaliation, and we can finally find out just what the Bush administration actually did.

Why is he even going to India, anyway? Last I checked, India isn’t a US state. What, are we planning to buy the place?

Figures, spending money like a drunken sailor on some place halfway around the world where you can’t even take an Interstate to.

That, and get the phrase “Obama under investigation” in the media. They don’t really need to do much else and the people who hate Obama will just fill in the blanks. If he wasn’t guilty of something, they wouldn’t be investigating him, right?

“I can’t prove it, but I can make the son of a bitch deny it.”

I think every committee meeting should open with the Democratic members repeatedly quoting the various remarks Obama made that he was not going to keep derailing the country by pressing for investigations of the Iraq WMD lies, torture by U.S. agents, Haliburton no-bid contracts, and the White House connection to the Assistant Attorneys General scandal.

Well, we won’t know if we don’t investigate now, will we? Right? :dubious:

ACORN. For sure.

The Democrats aren’t allowed to play by those rules. I don’t know why, but both parties seem to have agreed that bipartisanship means letting the Republicans get their way on everything.

It’s hard to read the comments to that article without thinking that they are all whooshes. Sadly, I think they are not. Wow.

It’s just too bad that he has someone drive his limo because we could get him for DWB.

There’s a letter to the editor in my local paper today from a guy who thinks they should investigate because people in our state elected mostly Republicans for State office and a bunch of Democrats for the Federal positions. He thinks it’s unlikely that people split their ticket, so Congress should look into this. I think he’s serious. I think people have completely lost the plot.

Isn’t that the line-up for the fourth side stage at last year’s Bonnaroo?

If not, it will be in 2 years.

And to think that a clear majority of Americans thought the congress was on the wrong track just two weeks ago.

I will vomit the next time I hear anyone say ‘bipartisanship’.

Yes, they’ll be too busy twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom.

Nitpick: I think you mean 8 gazillion dollars.

Sorry, you’re right. Also, I think there’s a bunch of those scary looking Nation of Islam dudes.

Thank God the economy is in such great shapoe that we can make bogus investigations the priority.

I’m surprised they’re not going with Tony Rezko, where at least there was some corruption that Obama was kind of standing sort of near to.