New IE security pack giving me static about my own website -- script help pls

The new security pack that we were supposed to download for IE is giving me static when I access the main page of my own website. It gives me the message, “To help protect your security, IE has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer.”

I have a script on the page that I got from somewhere, such that when you click an image it goes to a page based on your choice in a drop-down menu. The code looks like this:

function land(ref, target)
if (lowtarget=="_self") {window.location=ref;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_top") {top.location=ref;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_blank") {;}
else {if (lowtarget=="_parent") {parent.location=ref;}
else {parent.frames[target].location=ref;};
function jump(menu)
if (splitc!=-1)
else {loc=ref; target="_top";};
if (ref != "") {land(loc,target);}


<!-- snip snip snip -->

<form name="quicklist" action="dummy" method="post">

<select name="choice" size="1">
<option value="">Select a station</option>
<option value="blue/acadie/index.html">Acadie</option>
<option value="green/angrignon/index.html">Angrignon</option>
<!-- and so forth -->

<img src = "rnav.gif" align=absmiddle onClick="jump(document.quicklist); return false" height = 40 width = 40 alt = "Click here to go to the indicated station"></form>

I’d like to know what’s wrong with this script that it’s provoking this message, as other websites with similar scripts don’t seem to do so. Thoughts?

I am guessing it’s pre-empting a popup by calling foul on “” and other JS window controls.

Unfortunately, I can’t find any info on how to get around it… but I will keep an eye out.

Oddly enough, IE threw this same thing at me the other day when I was working on a plain HTML file on my local machine (viewing it in IE from the hard drive). I don’t think I even had any JS on the page. I wonder now if it was poo-pooing my “target=_blank” :frowning:

Since none of the pages in that script need to open in a new window, can I just delete that line?

If all the pages are opening in the same window (and if you’re using frames, the same frame) , try deleting all that Javascript and replacing your onClick event with this:
