New-ish "free speech" app, Parler

Oh? In what way? I’m curious about your legal interpretation here.

This kind of disgusting excuse making is how the Republican Party has degenerated into something myself, other actual Americans like General Powell, Governor Schwarzenegger are aghast and leaving.

You never, ever can manage to not twist to make excuses. Neo fascist enablers are destroying real conservatism. Neo fascist reaction enablers are a core of the vector destroying real conservatism. It’s intolerable now, stop fucking making excuses.

I fully support Amazon, a service provider with a third of the market exercising their contractual right as a private actor to stop servicing an entity which has violated their contract and is clearly of no intention to apply the standards AWS wants. So the insurrection enablers will just need to go to the other two thirds of the market.

Free market, free trade. The core principles and the right principles. And AWS is in perfect rights. Fuck Parler and fuck the insurrectionists.

Not “free markets and free trade except when my whiny bitch ideologues sacred cow is gored.” Like the neo-Confederates opportunistic States Rights except when they want to overturn results the neo-Confederates traitors don’t like.

The true party of Lincoln needs rescue from neo-Confederates, ideologues and neo fascism.

Excuse me but some Republicans. I stand with Governor Schwarzenegger and the Republicans of Lincoln. Enough of being hijacked by neo-Confederates and anti-fascist reactionary

No ablution necessary; that was an admirably controlled rant.

I think he was disagreeing with my blanket “Republicans” crack. @RyanAdam, OK, but it seems like the majority of Republicans and their supporters now. More than “some”, at least “many”, possibly “most”.

Because unfortunately the reactionary loud mouths and the blind excuse making ideologues have taken over the scene.

It’s why I have been supporting Lincoln Project and Governor Schwarzenegger otherwise pragmatic, responsible conservatism is going to be wiped about by this zombie virus of neo-Confederates reactionarism. Already the damage of ideologues excuse making is profound. Look at the interview on Reason of the new Republican house member who said openly ( some of his Republican colleagues voted to challenge for FEAR FOR THEIR FAMILIES. This is not some damn Lefty AOC bullshit, this is a straight guy and Iraq Vet and when he says this, I believe him. Fucking hello, I’m not worried now about those ridiculous antifa idiots, they’re silly ineffectual clowns. I am worried about the goddamn Zombie Virus that’s neo-Confederate neo-fascist scum that’s infected the Republican party. And the excuse making enablers who are minimizing with “only XX threats”

Yeah, even the attempt to argue that Amazon terminating a bad-actor client for TOS violations is some sort of antitrust matter is transparently laughable on its face.

I think we haven’t gone nearly far enough. Private businesses need to crack down even harder. Way harder. End it.

They need to promise never to employ any elected official or government employee that ever posted anything after Dec 12th on social media implying the election was in any way compromised or stolen, and to boycott and destroy any business or organization that hires them.

Frankly, if we have cell phone data that can prove definitively from phone data that someone was part of the insurrectionist mob, the cell phone companies should organize and see that they never get phone service again. Since we are going to see that they’ll never be welcome in polite society again, they won’t need them.

We have given them high tech tools that allow for the dissemination of large amounts of unfiltered information, and they have proved that they do not have the intelligence and discernment to properly filter and process it. To continue to allow them to have access to these tools is akin to putting guns and sharp swords in the hands of small children.

This is the only solution, there are no half-measures required. We have been held in an abusive relationship for four+ years by these people. They are going to scream and try to make you feel bad for being mean to them. They are going to scream the same abusive lies they’ve been screaming for years.

Ignore it. There is nothing you could have done that would’ve changed their attitude toward you.

These are not only abusive relationship tactics, but tactics that have been used by evangelicals to keep their families and universities in line. This abuse tactic is formally taught at Bob Jones U and other places under the cover of “counseling”…the focus is how to help women and children understand their massive flaws so they will not resent that their husbands are only trying to bring their weak willful souls into line with Gods will by beating the crap out of them

If your husband demeans and belittles you because he doesn’t like the way you fold the towels, there is no legitimate solution that involves you working on your towel folding skills. Not even if he also agrees to work on his temper.

Cut them all off from polite society. If they ever come around and renounce all the bullshit in a clear and convincing manner…all the election fraud, antifa, Hunter Biden laptop, socialism, every freaking last word of it, maybe we’ll let them back in.


They didn’t; they let it go on for far too long – so long that now it has demonstrable consequences, and it’s those consequences that are compelling them to take action. They realize now that when you let toxic ideas percolate long enough, people are eventually going to be inspired to take action. They can’t undo what’s already done, but at least they can prevent more of it going forward.

Oh, and AWS is not core internet infrastructure; it’s a web host - one of many. They decided they didn’t want to host businesses that spread toxic ideas, but I’m sure Parler can find others out there that will host them without a second thought.

And if they don’t, then create a host of their own, in a building of their property, using their own resources, paying their own employees to run it.

So you’re saying that they didn’t do exactly that. They did part of that. They started their own messaging service, but not their own cloud provider, authentication provider, payment provider, etc. They need to finish the job.
It’s the same answer as before “if you don’t like Amazon’s service (including the seemingly simple requirement to not organize your coup using AWS), start your own.”

TOS are theft!

Ahhh… bootstrapping. Good idea!

According to several sites, including Business Insider, Epik has agreed to host Parler.

Parler registered its domain with Epik, a company known for hosting other far-right websites including Gab, according to publicly available WHOIS information. The news was first reported by James Iles, a writer whose blog focuses on domain names.

So yer saying they weren’t censored/canceled?
We’ll, now Tucker is gonna have to find something else to be outraged about and rewrite tonight’s show!

They’re shut down for now, but it won’t last.

Like I’ve said before, I’m surprised they didn’t shift over to Tor. The Stormfront website did that for a while, when they couldn’t find a host.

Nationalize it then.

Mostly they are just to stupid to grasp how to do that.

With Blackjack! And Melania!