New KB Toys Action Figure-G. W. Bush Elite Force Aviator in full carrier flight gear!

Just the thing for the conservative on your Christmas list!

General Clark pointed out that a lot of people have died with that uniform on.

And that “action figure” will probably see more actual combat than George “Dubya” Bush ever did.
Hey someone had to keep the Lone Star State safe from Vietcong infiltration.

And not to leave out the little girls:
The Ann Coulter action figure!
Just don’t try to feed her anything…

Is mistreating the GWB flight-suit action figure a violation of the PATRIOT Act yet?

In other words, is it ok for today’s young-uns to to the GWB doll what I used to do to poor old GI Joe with the kung-fu grip? (ie performing doll head transplants with my sister’s Barbie?).

I was actually thinking of something more along the lines of what they do at The Chibi Project. :smiley:

I love The Chibi Project! It reminds me of the old T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project website.