New laptop - old stuff

I’m not all that savy when it comes to computers but I rely on them more than I’d like.

If I buy a new laptop, how do I transition between the old and the new? I’ve heard that if you go to a place like Best Buy that they will transfer everything from your old laptop to your new one. Of course I’d back-up things like photos, important documents and e-mails but how far do I need to go? I can’t begin to recognize the names and associations of files I have on my hard drive.
I’m a little older so my computer acumen may be a little behind the curve but I’m always looking to learn. At the same time, my learning ability is more in line with graphics programs than with hardware/software issues.

Does that even make sense?

I would back up and transfer any file you think there is even the slightest possibility you will ever need again. Hard drive space is cheap, losing your family vacation or a special e-mail is not.

FWIW, best buys prices are outrageous. I would ask around first to see if maybe a friend or family could spend a couple hours (at the very max) helping you transfer everything over. If you don’t know anyone with the skills, I would even go to craigslist before going to best buys.

Basically there are two things you will want to kepe when moving from one PC to the next:

1 - Data - your movies, pictures, documents
2 - Programs - Microsoft Office, email client, google chrome, photoshope, etc.

So first, find out what programs your new laptop comes with. Does it cover everything you need? If not, and you have other programs you’d like to keep, you’ll need the installation discs (or files if you downloaded the program). You’ll want to install the programs on your new Pc when you get it.

As for data, you should be able to move files between your two computers if they are on the same network, alternatively you could use an external drive to move files between the two machines. Having an external hard drive to backup files is always a good idea.

In my case, I have all my personal stuff but because I’m unemployed at the moment I also have temporary access to e-learning programs through Autodesk and Microsoft. I don’t want to lose those - might be crucial to my next job. But aren’t they tied not only to my e-mail address but to my computer? Trying to get answers via phone or online is like…well, you know!

How old is your current laptop? Most programs can be re-installed hassle free, and if your old laptop is old enough, all of your data can be backed up on to a USB stick easy enough!

I have a backup 1 Terrabyte hard drive that I bought at the Costco for about 75 bucks or so. That’ll have you covered for just about any important files you need, in my experience.

Hold old is your PC? If it’s a windows machine, check under program > accessories > system tools > Windows Easy Transfer.

Run Windows Easy Transfer, save the file to a external hard drive (or use a specialty cable to go direct from the old PC to the new PC), then plug the external hard drive into your new machine, rund windows easy transfer and it was transfer all your data and settings (like favorites) over. Easy peasy. Takes some time but the steps are simple.

My laptop is going on 6 yrs! It’s probably only been around so long because I was always on my office computer. I get updates on some programs that I have installed though I’m still working with Office 2003. I have recently downloaded some free e-learning software for Windows Vista & Office 2007 and Autodesk programs like AutoCAD and REVIT.

Thanks everyone,

I think I at least have a clue now.

Buying an 4 or 8 gig thumbrive for 15.00 - 25.00 and simply transferring the data yourself is the easiest thing to do and you still have a very useful thumbdrive at the end.

I’m curious–my laptop that I broke is about that same age. How much would you think your old laptop is worth (and how much did you buy it for?) I’m curious how much I’m out for breaking it.

6 year old notebooks in working condition are typically in the $50 to $125 territory at this point, and IMO I would not buy one that age at any price as that’s about the point when major cost items start to fail, and it would never be worthwhile (or even possible) to repair a notebook that age.

You can get brand new low end, full size, brand name notebooks with warranties that are 10X as capable as the 6 year old unit for $ 300. Rolling the dice on a 6 year old notebook for anything more than a few (literally) bucks is a poor investment in my book.

Bottom line is you got rid of a doorstop.

Well, if anyone wants to give me a doorstop, I’d be happy :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, that’s what I thought.

Yeah, I realize that at almost 6 yrs that this machine is dying - I’m amazed that I can do as much as I can with it but am frustrated too because it’s really showing it’s age. I paid around 1400. 6 yrs ago (with all the software). I think I’ll be able to get a better computer for much less money now. I’d have already replaced it if I was still employed.

I wouldnt let the Weak Squad do a data transfer if they paid me (unless is was ALOT nad I would most likely still find something wrong)

Zago, can work out a time I would happily assist with transferring your docs via remote. Should not take long and as long as you can get both machines hooked to the net it should be pretty easy. If you have alot of data it may take a while but nothing horrible I am sure, if you want PM me when you have the new PC.

A little late to the game, but another possibility would be to convert the old machine into a “virtual machine” (a la VMWare or VirtualPC). I did this with my 2003 Dell laptop when I got my MacBook last year.

It’s a bit of a nuclear option, but it did make it pretty convenient to transfer files from the old computer to the new (and, if I needed to for whatever reason, I could always boot up the old machine).

Best of all - it’s free! :slight_smile:

When you get your new laptop set up, you may want to see about putting Linux on your old one. I’ve done this on older laptops after you move what you want, wipe the hard drive clean and install Ubantu (a type of Linux OS)