New meaning for the term "Shooters"

Kalashnikov Vodka. The new drink of choice for terrorists?

It would be right next to the bottle of Colt .45.

I’m embarrassed to tell you where I thought this was going


That’s nothing. They’ve had goofy vodka for years. My friend found out that Brezhnev would kick your ass like no ones business. I think that to the rarified palate of the Westerner, the nice thawy Gorbachev would work best, but he didn’t believe me. Detente is not something these vodka makers know about.

So, would this be used in a fully-automatic “shot” gun?

In Soviet Union, Vodka drinks you!

Sorry, I coudn’t resist.

I remember seeing Michael Palin get blitzed by homebrew vodka on “Pole To Pole.” The booze had slivers of GARLIC in it. I’m scared to think of what else they put in that stuff.

Oh man, a friend’s father (they’re Polish of course) gets some stuff shipped from the starenarodni (or whatever) and when we were over at his house while they were having their Polish friends over we’d often hear, “Son, put the cap on the vodka, it’s evaporating.”:eek: