(Angrily) See, the thing with ‘over’ is that…
:: breaks off abruptly ::
Man, that was a close one!
You’ll also need to decide:
Shoes off in the house?
Astérix or Tintin?
Pepsi or Coke?
Stark dichotomy or greyscale?
(Angrily) See, the thing with ‘over’ is that…
:: breaks off abruptly ::
Man, that was a close one!
You’ll also need to decide:
Shoes off in the house?
Astérix or Tintin?
Pepsi or Coke?
Stark dichotomy or greyscale?
Shoes off in the house? --> Taught by a mom who’s obsessive compulsive, germs are bad. Germs are in shoes. Thusly, no shoes.
Astérix or Tintin? --> I’ll have to get back to you on that one…
Pepsi or Coke? --> Pepsi, but it stained my teeth so now it’s Perrier soda.
Stark dichotomy or greyscale? --> Greyscale
This should have been the second post: :eek:
Open Your Eyes, here’s my message to you:
Married, single, attached, hot or not.
We have a right to know these things dammit
To Chowder’s question →
Single, third-degree-burning hot ( not really )
More things you didn’t know about me and forgot to write in first post: I like baking, cooking, sociology, anthropology, psychology, chewing gum, sketching with pencil, artistic, speak fluent Spanish, know a little Latin, am a female ( annoys me when I don’t know people’s gender ), and know intermediate HTML.
Yays are in order for knowing other people well.
Know that there are those who post here that are stone psychopaths. I will helpfully not name any of them at this time.
Good luck.
Welcome, Open Your Eyes.
Things you should know:
Oh, ok. Well, I never saw the movie, either, unfortunately <makes note to watch it>
Both the goat and the squid? Can’t we make it both together so we can get it over with faster? Sedation is not necessary, I’ll take it like a woman. Although I’ll still might send the chocolates.
:eek: :eek: :eek:
That, along with a passionate contempt for Fred Phelps, is a constant around here!
norinew, sweetie…nudge the squid over…I need to lay down before I faint…
So how you doing?
bites 'rigsby
Yeah, there’s news. **LOUNE ** bites. He totally bites.
Haha, Chowder
One thing, though: How do I make quotes? I know the little dialog balloon on top of the Reply box is for that, but does it also include the “Originally posted by —”?
{quote=Open Your Eyes}text you want to quote{/quote}
but with instead of { } will do it; it even automatically puts the name in bold, thus:
you can also check the coding in any post by clicking on the quote balloon at the bottom of the post, which will show it to you in a posting box
eta to clarify
Let’s see if it works. And thanks for the help.
I think I found out the problem. I’ll test on the appropriate board, later Thanks lots.
Another important question: What should the “Location” field in your user profile contain?
I know it ticks some people off when they put random stuff. Some of them are funny, though. I think it’d have South FL or maybe just Florida.
Hello Open Your Eyes Be welcome. Enjoy your stay!
Thanks, Khadaji. I’m enjoying it already, plus I got an everlasting question of mine already answered in the General Boards.