New member?

(Angrily) See, the thing with ‘over’ is that…

:: breaks off abruptly ::

Man, that was a close one!

You’ll also need to decide:

Shoes off in the house?
Astérix or Tintin?
Pepsi or Coke?
Stark dichotomy or greyscale? :smiley:

Shoes off in the house? --> Taught by a mom who’s obsessive compulsive, germs are bad. Germs are in shoes. Thusly, no shoes.
Astérix or Tintin? --> I’ll have to get back to you on that one…
Pepsi or Coke? --> Pepsi, but it stained my teeth so now it’s Perrier soda.
Stark dichotomy or greyscale? --> Greyscale

This should have been the second post: :eek:

Open Your Eyes, here’s my message to you: :cool:

Married, single, attached, hot or not.

We have a right to know these things dammit

To Chowder’s question →

Single, third-degree-burning hot ( not really :stuck_out_tongue: )

More things you didn’t know about me and forgot to write in first post: I like baking, cooking, sociology, anthropology, psychology, chewing gum, sketching with pencil, artistic, speak fluent Spanish, know a little Latin, am a female ( annoys me when I don’t know people’s gender ), and know intermediate HTML.

Yays are in order for knowing other people well.

Know that there are those who post here that are stone psychopaths. I will helpfully not name any of them at this time.

Good luck.

Welcome, Open Your Eyes.
Things you should know:

  1. When anyone around here says “The Princess Bride”, they mean the movie, so, yea or nay?
  2. The boards really are soon going to free posting, but if you read the fine print, you’ll see that if you join for free, you have to do the goat and the squid.
  3. If you send large amounts of unmarked bills, high-quality beer, pie and dark chocolates to the Charter Members, we can arrange for the goat and/or squid to be, uh, slightly sedated, before your initiation.

Oh, ok. Well, I never saw the movie, either, unfortunately <makes note to watch it>

Both the goat and the squid? Can’t we make it both together so we can get it over with faster? Sedation is not necessary, I’ll take it like a woman. Although I’ll still might send the chocolates.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

That, along with a passionate contempt for Fred Phelps, is a constant around here!

norinew, sweetie…nudge the squid over…I need to lay down before I faint…

So how you doing?

bites 'rigsby

Yeah, there’s news. **LOUNE ** bites. He totally bites. :smiley:

Haha, Chowder :smiley:

One thing, though: How do I make quotes? I know the little dialog balloon on top of the Reply box is for that, but does it also include the “Originally posted by —”?

{quote=Open Your Eyes}text you want to quote{/quote}

but with instead of { } will do it; it even automatically puts the name in bold, thus:

you can also check the coding in any post by clicking on the quote balloon at the bottom of the post, which will show it to you in a posting box

eta to clarify

Let’s see if it works. And thanks for the help.

I think I found out the problem. I’ll test on the appropriate board, later Thanks lots.

Another important question: What should the “Location” field in your user profile contain?



I know it ticks some people off when they put random stuff. Some of them are funny, though. I think it’d have South FL or maybe just Florida.

Hello Open Your Eyes Be welcome. Enjoy your stay! :slight_smile:

Thanks, Khadaji. I’m enjoying it already, plus I got an everlasting question of mine already answered in the General Boards.