Hey guys. I’m fairly new here. My friend here at school told me about this and I really like it. Anybody have any advice for me?
The best things in life are Italian…that’s the thing, though…I’m not Italian.
Hey guys. I’m fairly new here. My friend here at school told me about this and I really like it. Anybody have any advice for me?
The best things in life are Italian…that’s the thing, though…I’m not Italian.
Sure thing!
I don’t know if you’ve been lurking at all (it doesn’t sound like it), but being fairly new myself here’s some pointers:
Welcome aboard!
The ways of cats and little girls are mysterious.
Don’t make Kellibelli mad.
Be sure to learn about the smilies. We don’t allow any posts that don’t include at least one smiley.
Otherwise, as long as you read the FAQ and make sure to post the right question in the right forum, you should be OK.
For example, this question could be in the “About This Message Board” forum.
General Questions is for questions requiring a factual response.
Comments on Cecil’s columns is for a comment on one of the Straight Dope columns. Include a link to the column on the internet if it’s on the web site.
MPSIMS is for general chatting.
Any “debate-type” questions, like “Does God exist” go in Great Debates.
You’ll soon get the hang of it.
Welcome. the only advice I can give you is to have fun. This forum is just as its titled, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
And… I enjoy the occasional
We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another
Be sure to use at least three words that end in the letters G-R-Y in your posts.
I’ve got a little black book with me poems in. I’ve got a bag, toothbrush, and a comb.
Always make sure to use enough boiling water when preparing pasta.
See your dentist twice a year.
Uke reminds me of the essential.
Don’t wear striped pants with a plaid shirt.
*Realize that Diane is our leader and we are all just her lackeys.
*On this board, Satan is viewed with high reverance.
*90% of what I type is an attempt at a joke or a smart-ass remark. Apply this rule to just about everyone else who hangs out in MPSIMs on a regular basis.
Welcome aboard, have a lot of fun. And make sure someone explains the part about posting provocative photos of yourself within your first 100 posts.
Now, you too can become an Evil Ninja Assassin in the Self-Righteous Clique. Ask me how.
Never start a thread asking for advice.
But seriously folks –
Welcome aboard. You will find a community of intelligent, caring people with a great sense of humor and a scarcely concealed dark side. Mundane comments and questions are welcomed, especially if they are entertaining. Stupid or poorly thought out comments will be ruthlessly dismembered, usually with wit and sarcasm, occasionally with a direct assault.
Not that this will ever happen to you, but if you find yourself attacked either defend yourself or apologize, depending on how sure you are of your information and how you’re feeling that day. Nobody challenges people on this board to drive them away. (Well, there are a few exceptions!) If you hold a defensible but unpopular opinion on an issue you can enjoy a thorough wringing-out of your ideas. That’s good for everyone who reads it and is a lot of the reason a lot of us are here. If you always hear what you’ve always heard you’ll never learn anything new.
One last piece of advice, based on personal experience: Never suggest that a certain Elizabethan playwright (initials W.S.) didn’t actually write the plays ascribed to him. At least don’t do so casually, like I did. If you’re ready to defend the idea to the death in spite of ad hominem attacks (and the occasional well-reasoned rebuttal) then “cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!”
“pluto … a seriously demented but oddly addictive presence here.” – TVeblen
Oh, and people get a little irritated if your username doesn’t clearly reflect your gender. So you’re off to a good start in that regard.
Sure, we’ve all got advice, and it’s worth pretty much what you’ll pay for it; not a damn thing.
Seriously though, evocative, eloquent, and electric posts are encouraged. Either that or endless expletives. It looks like you have grammar and spelling down pretty well; we seem to have a lot of pedants 'round these parts, so we place a high value on that. I should know; I’m one of 'em. If you don’t know something, just ask, we have lots of friendly helpful folks.
If you wander into Great Debates or [General Questions**, be prepared to defend your opinions, or statements of fact with a reliable source. Profanity and personal attacks in those forums are dealt with harshly by the moderators. And don’t take any food in GD, David B will kick you out.
The BBQ Pit can get pretty intense; there’s a lot of profane namecalling in that forum. It’s set aside as a place to vent frustrations and anger when they get out of hand in the other fora.
The fora dedicated to Cecil’s and the SD Staff coulumns are just that; for comments on those article which are available from the homepage.
This forum, MPSIMS, is just what you see; it’s the rumpus room for everything that doesn’t fit anywhere else and general socializing. Be prepared to laugh, especially if you posess a sarcastic humor. Sarcasm is also valued highly on this board.
Read the FAQ; there is a lot of good information in there. Read the little descriptions under the link to each of the specific forums; they provide a good syllabus of what you might find in each of them. Don’t post spam or links to sites which you may have a financial interest. That’s pretty standard for all MB’s though. The moderators are more than willing to address any specific questions you may have; all you need to do is drop them an e-mail.
And never ask about felching.
“A bird in the hand is the Devil’s workshop; it is the goose that laid the bad apple.” - TennHippie
Always drink UPSTREAM from the herd.
Sit up straight!
No TV til you finish your homework.
Chew with your mouth closed.
Clean up your room.
Don’t hit your little sister/brother.
Don’t roll your eyes at me.
And have a good time here, m’kay?
Ranger Jeff
*The Idol of American Youth *
Riders In The Sky
Whats Felching UncleBeer?
Welcome aboard. We always love to have new posters. Just remember that most of what you read is in jest and you’ll be just fine!
“Mother Mercy, can your loins bear fruit forever?/Is your fecundity a trammel or a treasure?”
-Bad Religion
Jeffery, how’s the cowpunchin’ bidness goin? Long time no see my old friend. I’ll be sendin’ ya an e-mail ‘bout anudder SDMB meetin’ soon; gonna try for Toledo this time. There’s some Michiganders and Cleveburgers interested.
One more piece of advice for Sandy, you should click this link and check in
“A bird in the hand is the Devil’s workshop; it is the goose that laid the bad apple.” - TennHippie
Preach on, brother…
Welcome, newbie!
Please allow me to introduce myself…
Yer pal,
…you’re a man of wealth and taste?
And wait a minute…
PLUTO! I’m hurt!
Is it my fault I like this nick…wandering off grumbling And FTR, Y2Sandgirl, I am a girl and AuraSeer is a guy. Just thoiught we’d get THAT cleared out of way.
“You are sweet, kind, and considerate… Like a grown up boy scout with tits!”
Frankie said
Whats Felching UncleBeer?
Shouldn’t that question start with Who’s?
Now, you too can become an Evil Ninja Assassin in the Self-Righteous Clique. Ask me how.
Welcome aboard. It’s best to just keep your posts short and to the point or you’ll lose the attention span of most of the SD posters. If you need any more advice just e-mail me…I may answer
“Do or do not, there is no try” - Yoda
Dammit, mully. No one is gonna be felching UncleBeer. You’re gonna give Coldfire some bad ideas.
This has been a shameless attempt to return the focus of all felching references to their rightful owner.