It’s true. All welcome me ( not really, I don’t have that big of an ego )
Being the usual hidden lurker for at least six months, I’ve decided to finally join the message boards and partake in the message boards that include thrilling queries of the General Questions and the delightfully frivolous posts of the MMPIMS that never fail to entertain me. I’ve finally decided to join in a Guest membership, but doubt I’ll be able to keep up a subscription, unfortunately -violin-
Now that you know I occasionally like to over-complicate paragraphs with odd words, I’ll stop doing that :rolleyes:
As for the introductions: I live in the sunny state of Southern Florida; minus the hurricanes and humid heat, it’s a nice place. I’ve owned a pretty little female sheepdog for ten years, owned a total of three bettas and a goldfish, and obviously have a great love for animals. I also love writing fictional stories, reading things like Hemingway ( and I should admit the Chronicles of Narnia are amazingly good ) and usual books. Most of the time I’ll be reading, surfing the web, cycling, walking, studying, and learning.
I’m a usually funny person, sincere, good mood, positive, and like to laugh.
What should I know about the Messaging Boards? I know it’s not the rest of the internet, fortuneately and using too many smileys and throwing around ‘lols’ is annoying. Anything else? Oh, and thanks for reading
Welcome–come on in, only some of us bite. <shakes hands>
Where in FL? I was born in Jacksonville and lived in Gainesville for awhile.
Just jump in anywhere and start posting. May I suggest the MMP? MMP stands for Monday Morning Post and it’s where most folk post the ultimate in mundanity (mundaneness?)–stuff like going to the dentist but not wanting to, annoying coworkers that aren’t annoying enough to dedicate a whole thread to, marriages ending–you know, the usual. I believe this week’s has something about Misspent Youth in the title (look for the MMP–it’s in the title every week).
Check the thread “Improving the SDMB” in the About this Message Board forum. The plan is to phase out the pay-to-post system sometime soon.
What should you know about the boards? Well, we’ve always got room for more writers and Hemingway fans! Just pick a topic you find interesting and start posting. If you’ve been lurking for six months and are thoughtful enough to ask those questions, you probably already know the basics and will fit in just fine.
No worries. By the time we’re done with you, you’ll be a dried-up husk of your former self, brimming with cynicism and misanthropy, distrustful of anyone who seems to enjoy life, thrown into homicidal rages by the mere mention of toliet paper and shoes indoors.
This just makes me choke up with pride. Ah, memories of my own sunny, ignorant youth, when lists had less than 3 items, felching was a misprint and the Marinas trench was unknown to all. But now that I am an adherent to the Cecil Adams Way of Life, I do indeed know the Straight Dope. There is no other path. There is no other path. There is no other path.
May I get you a glass of Kool Aid? We all drink it. It tastes good and is good for you!
Good point, Twickster. In that case I’ll be taking the goat :D, and HazleNutCoffee, that completely delights me. Especially the part about shoes indoors.
Mmmm, pie. Actually, I did bring pie. I can make a killer apple pie <just be sure to have a defibrillator close for the next eight hours or so of food hibernation>
I’ve never read it, actually, if you mean the book
Star Wars?
Over, of course ( or what if there is no toilet paper? )