New Message Board

pseudotriton ruber ruber, even before you arrived in this thread I had said that discussions about SDMB policy should go to ATMB. Discussions about mod actions go there as well.

No warning issued for the personal insult against Ellen Cherry.

twickster, MPSIMS moderator

We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.

Victorious Unity Board? Low-rent address? Poster-sized avatars? Discussion of “history, science, theology, politics, or sci-fi”, like hundreds of other upstart message boards? Not a formula for success.

Agreed, makes the contents of the post really hard to read as well because it’s squished into a column maybe 1/4th the screen width by the picture.

It’s also hotlinked directly from Wiki. Qin, why don’t you use Photobucket – it’s free. And shrink it down to avatar size, or have someone else do it for you. (I’d be more than happy to do so – most boards go with 100x100)

In your first post in your Alternate & Future History forum, you ask

Don’t ask questions that require essays for a proper answer. Your questions on your forum thus far are overly broad.

I’m tempted to join, just so I can display a 1000x1000 avatar.

Custom avatars don’t seem to work. But don’t fret; there are three appropriately-gigantic avatars provided for us all to choose from.

Why quit there, go for 10,000x10,000 so everyone has to scroll right to see there even is text :wink:

People have started posting huge pictures of goatze and tub girl on his board.

I just went to have a look (before reading this post) - now I need brain bleach

There’s so much naked, vulgar yuck within one click it nearly violates the rules about linking from here at all.

I hate to say it, but I’m not surprised.

I added a spoiler box to make the link comply with the two-click rule.

To be fair, I’m sure it wouldn’t be so bad with a decent and somewhat successful spinoff board. :wink:

And good job griefing the kid’s message board, dudes. You all should team up with real internet superheroes like 4chan to form a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

We’re supposed to be fighting ignorance here and no war is won by defense. Let’s bomb [link removed]these guys with some meatspin or lemonparty next.

Curtis is on the ball; the naked yuck is gone. They were infiltrators from a certain unnamed forum.

I used to be on the side that was against avs on this board but I’m coming around… however that big fucking Admiral pic is totally turning off from joining your board. Like Guin, I’ll help bring it down for you to 100x100 if you need help.

You don’t need a forensics team to get to the bottom of this. If you guys were the inventors of the Victorious Unity board, you’d have invented the Victorious Unity board.

[/The Awkwardly Social Network]

Good luck, Qin. I ran a BBS when I was in high school. The board totally sucked, but it was fun.

So, if I wanted to start my own message board dedicated to discussing Poop* and all it’s hilarity, I could advertise it here?

Victorious Unity sounds like a madlib for Harvard grads.

Cause we all gotta go sometime. ™

I have to laugh b/c one of the avatars on the above-linked forum is a very close-up shot of part of a Prince Albert.
No, I do NOT want to explain how I know that.