New mom looking for baby advice

Thanks all …

WhyNot - thank you for the preemie-related advice. Sophia indeed does the “Stop” motion and I really appreciate the other signs you mention to look for to see if she’s overstimulated.

JohnT - your Sophia is such a cutie!!!

Shirley - it’s funny you mention the ceiling fan - that is DEFINITELY her favourite thing to stare at right now - ours is black against our white ceiling and she loves it. But it has to be still - she can’t quite perceive it when it’s in motion, at least not right now.

Thank you all for your encouragement, support and advice. I will do my best to relax - just feel a little out of my depth right now … :slight_smile:

One thing is for sure, we will have the merriest Christmas ever with our special little gift!

I agree with the relax advice and the talk to her advice.

I was so worried about my first born (who didn’t roll over until she was 8 months old)–I was a wreck. I took her bubbly,smiling self to the pediatrician at 8 months and tearfully told him, “you can tell me, is she retarded?” He looked at her, standing on my lap, beaming and chortling away, and said, “look at her!”

I think he thought I was retarded! :eek: :rolleyes:

She rolled over the next week, crawled and pulled up to cruise within the next month.

IOW, she had her own timetable. Not to say that some milestones are important, but really, babies get to their stuff when they want/need to.
Sing to her–I liked to do that–all kinds of music. My voice sucks, but she didn’t care.

And let her sleep–you won’t ever wake your second one, so dont’ wake your first (unless feeding is an issue or meds).
And you are right to avoid the WTE books–I call them the Nazi books of first time mothering…

Best of luck-Sophia is a beautiful name. Pic?

I recommend one book, especially for new dads, but anyone can enjoy it. Best baby book

Is this the hip, new name?

My daughter’s 14 months old… her name is Sophie.

GrizzRich … yes, I think it is a hot name right now. I thought I was picking something a little different from the mainstream, but I guess not. Since we had her, I have heard of at least 5 other Sophias around her age - and we live in a pretty small city!

Oh well, I’m sure her name won’t be as common as MINE was when I was growing up in the 70’s (think Elvis Presley’s daughter … yes, both first & middle names). :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to take her down to the pool and toss her in. (Preferably at the Y or some similar outfit where they provide instructions on how to do it properly.) Using that brief window of opportunity where babies swim naturally can avoid issues of fear of water and drowning in later life.