New, more descriptive covers for some fantasy novels

Meanwhile, the humorist in the OP’s link has since moved on to the final frontier…

Who cares! They are Tweens and teens and that book was utter crap.

I picked up some book at the store the other day and it had the mutal author’s masturbatory comments from a more well known author on the back flap. Stephanie Meyers was one of them. I put the book down immediately and knew I would never even consider buying a book she recommended. She’s crap.

I wish I had photoshop skillz to be able to do this to children’s books and stuff.

Yes, especially as the Melniboneans (sp?) worshipped the Gods of Chaos. Also Elric was too guilt ridden to be truly evil.

Why not.

I actually did finish it. Not bad, but bit of a drag. It does come full circle–just the middle winds up making you wonder WTF is going on for a while.

I have to agree with most of the others I’m familiar with, though I did rather enjoy Twilight.

Is this a whoosh? The books are puns from beginning to end. Skeeve is a Klahd. Bunny is a mafia boss’s girlfriend who loves to shop - a shopping moll. Shapely Tananda is a trollop (because she’s a female troll). There’s a poker player who always throws in a breath mint with his first bet - he’s the Sen-sen Ante Kid. The main vampire city is Blut. The planet where everyone obsesses over the Big Game is Jahk. And so on.

Re: the OP: great links, thank you. Dune especially cracked me up. It’s funny 'cuz it’s true!