New movie "Supernova"

I hear it bombed in Mexico.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
Join the FSH Webring

“Supernova” has the distiction of being the debut film of director Thomas Lee.

Lee is the name that the Directors Guild of America (DGA) has decided to give credit to for any movie so bad that the real director doesn’t want his name on it. The name Alan Smithie had to be retired because too many people were aware that an Alan Smithie film was sure to be a bomb.

Elmer J. Fudd,
I own a mansion and a yacht.

Mr. Fudd, I hereby “WHOOOOOOOOOSH” you. But your info WAS actually interesting. I’m gonna miss old Smithee, ::sniff::!

Sarcasm detector? Oh, THAT’S a real useful invention!

But James Spader is in it. How could a James Spader movie be a flop? (Actually, I like the guy – ever since “Jack’s Back.”)

It made $8 million in the opening, cost $60 million to make. It’ll draw in the disaster fans, don’t you think?

“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH” part II, Electric Boogaloo. :slight_smile:

Sarcasm detector? Oh, THAT’S a real useful invention!

voguevixen, I think the reason your joke isn’t working is because Supernova is, by all accounts, a terrible movie, so it probably is bombing in Mexico for real even as we speak :slight_smile:

whoops i guess it’s actually gr8kat’s joke :o

Well, i have no clue if Supernova bombed in Mexico or not, but it would be no suprise. A definite waste of $5 and a few hours of my life. The only thing impressive about that film was the complete lack of originality.

Supernova, is definatly a Joe Diamond Phillips movie.

(inside joke: When “Bats” came out, my friend tried to argued that Lou Diamond Phillips couldn’t make a bad movie. However he called the man Joe Diamond. Needless to say, “Bats” sucked. Of course a friend makes the joke that this really was Joe Diamond Phillips. He’s the idiot twin of Lou Diamond who makes nothing but bad movies.)

Okay, I’ll grant you, it was a little over the top. The acting was a little forced. People fell into bed (or the anti-grav chamber) a little too quick.

However, it was a decent escape. Plus, James Spader is easy on the eyes.

I actually paid to see it with some friends this weekend. Our response when the film ended was “…well, that was interesting!”

I’ve never heard of this movie…can someone explain the joke?

Teeming Millions:
“Meat flaps, yellow!” - DrainBead, naked co-ed Twister chat
O p a l C a t

Hm. Very strange.

I mean, one of the reasons the name Alan Smithee was chosen was to reduce (as much as possible) the chance that a director with the ‘bad movie director’ name would come along. They started with Alan Smith and tacked on the two E’s for that purpose.

Thomas Lee seems kinda common. Hope no future director named Thomas Lee gets hammered by the backlash of the decision to use his name.

(another piece of movie name-swap trivia: although they’re not used much anymore, the names George Spelvin and Georgina Spelvin were once used by actors and actresses who didn’t want their names in the credits.)

OpalCat, the joke here is one that most people missed. Have you heard the UL about the Chevy Nova not selling well in Mexico, because the name Nova, translated means “doesn’t go”. Hence, Gr8Kat’s OP…

Or was it I that missed the joke?! :wink:

The most rewarding part was when I got my money!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Here OpalCat, try this link…


The most rewarding part was when I got my money!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

And in Chinese, “Supernova” means “Bite the wax tadpole.” :slight_smile:

It was my husband’s joke because he knows that the perpetuation of the the “Nova bombed in Mexico” urband legend is one of my pet peeves. I thought I’d toss it out here and see if anyone bit :slight_smile:

I don’t know if the film really will bomb in Mexico, but Mr. Showbiz sure didn’t think a lot of it…

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
Join the FSH Webring

Doesn’t calling it the “FSH Webring” instead of the “FSH MD Webring” confuse those young, budding endocrinologists out there who are trying to read up on the “Follicle Stimulating Hormone”?

OK, who else went over to IMDB and look up Spelvin and Smithee?

So far as I know, you’re the first :slight_smile:

I recently learned that FSH is the 3rd most common form of MD, affectiing approximately 1 in 20,000 people, so it was my intention to attract fellow FSH sufferers on the Board, not confuse budding endocrinologists. However, if you think it’s more likely that I’ll achieve the latter than the former, then I’ll change my sig.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it,” Jack Handy

The Kat House
Join the FSH Muscular Dystrophy Webring

Finally, the self-made critic has reviewed this movie.

Check out the illustration :cool: