New Nasty Pop-Up Ad Behavior: Help?

ETA: Perhaps never mind: I found their “unsubscribe” button.

It happened to me in the last five minutes. Suddenly, lots and lots of words, visible to me when reading the topic menus here at the SDMB, appear in blue double-underlining.

If I hover over these underlined terms, I get a pop-up window that says, “All You Ned to Know About [highlighted term.” It’s labeled “” and “ads by linksicle.”

Who are these assholes, how have they taken over my browser, and how do I make them go away?

Thank you for advice!

You’ll need to run a scan with your anti-virus and whatever anti-malware programs you have.
Internetcorkboard is listed as a virus/browser hijack.

Some commercial websites routinely use the underlining scam to sneak in ads.

Nothing like utilizing your text to sell crap to give you a warm feeling about the site.