They need only to borrow from Television Without Pity, where the Tubey Awards offer:
Character Most in Need of Being Killed Off
Least Improved Show
Worst Relationship
Most Redemptive Character in a Sucky Show
Best Performance by an Inanimate Object
Best Sidekick
Best Badass
Most Overhyped Big-Name Guest Appearance
Most Ludicrous Plotline
Worst Crime Against Fashion
Most Egregious Product Placement
and more!
An Oscar for voice work would be nice, since they seem to be refusing to recognize it can be acting on exceptional scale (Andy Serkis, Ellen DeGeneres).
Then again, the Academy generally ignores comedy, too.
How about a separate Oscar category for first-time performers? It must be a little frustrating to be an experienced actor who loses an award to someone who’s never acted before.
Apropos of nothing more than the mention of Emmy in the title, my next door neighbour won an Emmy this year for Art Direction for the John Adams miniseries. I just noticed it sitting in the window on her desk. cool.
To steal one from Douglas Adams: Most Gratuitious Use of the Word “Fuck” in a Motion Picture. (The word “Fuck” was changed to “Belgium” in the American version, sort of ruining the joke, but adding a humorous explanation as to why “Belgium” is such a horrible swear word, known to all except those fools who named a country after it.)
An Emmy for more than a single season but less than a lifetime achievement. Maybe Best Continuing Characterization over Multiple Seasons. This would get folks like **Dann Florek **and **Epatha Merkerson **for their solid work in the L&Os.
That would be great. I think I’d throw Sam Waterson on there. He’s been on forever and he’s great. There are lots of actors that would deserve that award.