New Passport Photo Question

Will be renewing my passport. I know you need to have a picture of yourself to be used for the passport renewal. I had this done close to 10 years ago but i don’t recall the process well. So just go to rite aid or any place and do it? Or those photograph places to do it. Also if you take picture u don’t like, you can take a few extra etc until you like that one and confirm to use that one? Also how much does a photo typically cost? Believe its $10 or so.

Prices vary. Most cities have lots of places that will do it. Your local Rite Aid may do it. They develop the photos there and hand them to you. You can pick out the ones you want to send to the passport office with your application renewal forms.

Last two times, I took the photo myself (camera on a tripod), and printed it with an inkjet printer.
Just make sure you follow the guidelines.

If you’re a member of AAA , they will do it for free. I’m told that some credit unions will also do it for free.

This. I even changed the color of my t-shirt in Photoshop.

Do. Not. Smile.

Really, smiling is banned in passport photos in the US and many other nations. It has to do with facial recognition biometrics.

Maybe fifteen years ago I needed to renew my passport and went to the local Kinko’s for a passport photo. A kid there took about five minutes to take one, and the local passport office accepted it just fine.

Ten years later I needed to renew my passport again and went to the same Kinko’s for another passport photo. A new kid took about five minutes to take one - but this time the local passport office rejected it for not meeting their specifications (and showed me why it didn’t meet them). Then the passport guy pulled out a camera and took another one, for which they charged me only a couple of dollars. (He told me to go back to the Kinko’s and show them what they did wrong and get my money back, but I never bothered.)

Smiling is fine in the US:

I had mine taken at Walgreens, and the guy insisted I take my glasses off. My wife had her taken at the post office, and wore her glasses. They didn’t say a thing about it.

I had mine done at Walgreens a few years ago. It cost about $10. My kids just had theirs taken at the local Post Office because we had to submit their application in person with both parents present because they are fairly young. I have gone to court hearings before a real judge that were shorter and less formal than that but getting the photos taken was the easy part. Many Post Offices that accept passport applications (not all of them do) also take passport photos for a $15 fee (not all of the ones that take passport applications take photos so call ahead or look it up online - the hours are usually very restricted as well).

Here is a simple article on where you can get passport photos taken. National pharmacy chains are among the most prevalent and cheapest but there should be several options near almost anyone unless you have to travel to the nearest villages by dogsled or bush plane.

Got question. I went to a place to take picture for passport. The place took 3 photos of me… but i ordered 6 photos. I read that 2 photos have the be identical. I took a look and even though most of the photos look very similar, I’m not sure if 2 photos are actually the same. Example, i think each one is a very very very little bit different. Will there be any issues at all? Reason is b/c i will go to the office and wait in long line and don’t want to get there, then find out i will have issues.

Did you tell the photographer that you needed passport photos? When I’ve had it done, they used a special Polaroid camera that took two identical photos at once. They were also familiar with the requirements for the size of the photo and the size of my head in the photo.

Also, did you ask for six photos? Check if the second photo is behind the first one. They might just be stuck together.

OK, it’s no longer banned but a “natural smile” is open to interpretation. Any squinting or lines on the face due to the smile can be grounds to turn down the photo. The last time I had my passport photo made, at the Post Office, the photographer gave stern instructions not to smile. In fact, she was so serious about it that it made me chuckle. She was not amused.

Even some of the examples on the State Dept. page are difficult to discern (for me) between an acceptable smile and an “exaggerated” (unacceptable) smile. Better to be safe than have to do it over again.

You used to have to submit two identical photos with the passport application. You now submit only one.

Cite: Form DS-11 Application for a US Passport [PDF]

The application has a place where you staple the photograph. It says, “Attach a color photograph taken within the last six months.”

I got my photo at Walgreens for $5USD with a coupon. I think the regular price was around $10.

I just got my passport renewed and I recommend starting at

It is actually a really good site with lots of information. I ended up using their search form to find a place that didn’t need appointments and had photos on-site. I don’t recall thinking I could have saved money had I brought photos and had the additional piece of mind that the SME was the one taking the picture.