New production designs for the Hitchiker's movie released


I’m suprised this hasn’t been posted yet. Marvin is looking cool, and I love Deep Thought. The interior of The Heart of Gold look about right, but the outside looks all wrong. Isn’t the ship supposed to resemble a shoe? Why is it looking like a blimp in these pictures? Bah, I say.

I’m buying a movie poster and nailing the sucker to my wall as soon as it’s available. The hitchiking hand with the planet behind it logo is already my avatar for a few boards I post at.

The Heart of Gold looks more like a giant eyeball to me. I imagined it more like the shape of the Goodyear Blimp. Otherwise I like the design of Deep Thought, too.

The trailer follows suit with using “What a Wonderful World”.

It’s either used to show tranquil scenes like children playing in the park or horrifying scenes of destruction.

I saw the trailer today when I went to see “National Treasure.”

Wait…I thought the Heart of Gold looked like a giant sneaker? Has it really been that long since I’ve read the book that I’m remembering something completely wacko?

Let’s see. I don’t like the Heart of Gold exterior, but the interior is pretty much how I imagined it to be, albeit less cramped. Deep Thought is great. Marvin…well, I always thought of him as a bit more humanoid (i.e. a smaller head), but I love the way his cranium hangs in such a despondent way.

I’m not sure how you mean this, but did you know that the TV adaptation ended with that particular song? It played as the end credits rolled.

I like the logo, too. I always wondered about the old one, the green circle guy who appeared next to the “Don’t Panic” blurb. It didn’t seem to have anything to do with the story.

I can’t wait for them to bring on the Vogon poetry!

I figured it was the waiter from Milliways, but yeah, that doesn’t really represent much about the story.

I haven’t seen the TV version in a while. I’ll to watch it again.

The “sticking his tongue out” green-guy was an invention of Douglas’ US publishers and I believe he always HATED it - so I’m hoping it comes nowhere near this film.

As for the other designs - Douglas apparently disliked the TV series more and more as they years went by but I always thought their depiction of Marvin was actually pretty good - IIRC he’s supposed to look like something amazingly futuristic which just doesn’t work properly (e.g. an iPod :slight_smile: )…