New "New" Hitchhiker's trailer online

Perhaps I’m just out of touch and everyone already knows this, but I just found a new Hitchhiker’s trailer which is far more entertaining and in the vein of the book than the previous generic-blah trailer. Some nice bits of irony AND we hear Marvin speak. (I only checked the Quicktime versions.)

My only diappointment so far is that the book does not, in fact, appear to have the worlds “Don’t Panic” inscribe in large, friendly letters on the cover. Whisky tango foxtrot…how hard would that be to include?

Anyway, enjoy, except those of you who just want to rip in and tear the thing about for the search sadistic pleasure of increasing the amount of misery in the world, for whom it is my sincere hope that you are strapped down to a Poetry Appreciation chair and forced to listen to Vogon verse. Oh, and I hope they take your digital watch away, too.



SchwEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! :smiley: :smiley:
I can’t wait.
does my goofy happy dance

OK, that rocks. I think Doug would be proud if he could see that.

I think the “Don’t Panic” at the end of the trailer is meant to be the back cover of the book…

[sub]Only thing I’m worried about is Zaphod’s second head…[/sub]

I guess I’m going to have to read those books too. Anyone feel like saving a lazy bastard some time and posting Amazon links to the relevant texts? :slight_smile:

The trailer had a few more Action Movie Explosions[sup]TM[/sup] than I would have preferred, but still looks like it has some potential.

I betcha none of those explosions (or the bikini girl) are actually in the movie.

My favorite part is:

Stephen Fry: Trailers also normally employ –
Don LaFontaine: a deep voice that sounds like a seven-foot-tall man who has been smoking cigarettes since childhood.

I say we get together to buy the copyright to the action theme from Aliens, the opening titles to Batman Returns, and the battle music from Last of the Mohicans and then never, ever, allow them to be used in another movie trailer.

They’re using the first one in the HHGTTG trailer if you’re wondering.

HA… that’s was great :D. Very amusing and seems very Hitchhicker’s like. Though hopefully a lot was tongue in cheek and we don’t see a love story between Arther and Trillian… though I’m sure we won’t.

This type of trailer just indicates that the screenwriters and director just gets what makes the books so great :D.

“Though hopefully a lot was tongue in cheek and we don’t see a love story between Arther and Trillian”

Unfortunately, yes. But early reviewers have said that, well, it may be stupid and predictable, but… well damn, it is sort of stupid. And predictable. Trillian would never be interested in Arthur.

Yeah, in fact Trillian’s disinterest in Arthur is part of the reason she is with Zaphod.

I’m suprised no one here realized they were going with a bit of the satire on trailers in the very first one.

Link to link. Check Amazon for “The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide” which has all the Hitchhiker’s stories in one inconveniently large and unwieldy volume, suitiable for absorbing repeated blasts from a Kill-O-Zap pistol and protection against unintentionaly missing the ground.

Also, there used to be a PDF of the first book online, but I can’t find it. I always assumed it was legitimate, but perhaps not. Anyway, you can look around for it.


I would also add the Crystal Method remix of “Boom” by P.O.D. and the theme to Waterworld to that list (first one is also in the trailer).

I can’t get over the perfect casting. Stephen Fry as The Book? Alan Rickman as Marvin? It doesn’t get hoopier than that. I’m so there.

Now that I’ve realized that the actor playing Zaphod is indeed who it sounded like (from the trailer), when I watch this thing, I’m going to keep thinking of Zaphod this way… dammit.

“Red-thingy moving toward the green-thingy. I think we’re the green-thingy.”


“Wait, don’t open that. It’s an alien planet! Is there air? You don’t know!”


“…you have a last name.”
“DO I?!! DO I??!!! For all you know I’m just Crewman Number Six!”


“Oh, that’s just not right!”

I always associate Sam Rockwell, the guy playing Zaphod, from the Green Mile. That was such a crazy character.

Anyway I noticed they have a new site for the movie. Its pretty cool. They have a good section where they introduce all the characters and their voices.

Maybe you should try to fashion some kind of rudimentary lathe?

The release is getting close and I’m getting impatient. Just read a great review.