New Rules?

In this thread: Lynn has posted a link to the new rules. To repeat DB,

Just thought I would ask the question here, since Lynn suggested it might get answered quicker. Also, why have no other mods posted about the new rules?

Winner, SDMB’s Biggest Chat Addict

“Only two things that’ll soothe my soul - cold beer and remote control.”

New rule?

Ok…the legal thing I can understand, but under what circumstances would you release information when a complaint is filed?

If someone came to you and said “SoulFrost is a big meanie head!” I’m sure you wouldn’t release my info, but what kinds of complaints are we talking about here?

Or does this maybe have something to do with the DoS attacks from a couple of weeks ago?


Actually, that’s been in the agreement since early days.

THIS is the part that’s new:

These are all, unfortunately, necessary changes.

your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope

I’m hoping this particular “necessary change” wasn’t directed at me.

Geez. A guy threatens to moon a troll a single time and ye start parachutin’ lawyers in . . .
Actually, it looks less like a change than an explanation from here. I was under the impression that everyone with a brain understood that they were here at the sufferance of the host.
Dr. Watson
“Power intoxicates men. It is never voluntarily surrendered. It must be taken from them.” – James F. Byrnes

The reason I was worried is because I recently started a thread in which I questioned a moderator’s decision to close another thread. My thread was then shut down and moved to the BBQ Pit, even though I said nothing worse than that I felt the first moderator “overreacted”. I’m hoping that the language of the above telling us “to abide” and “to submit” does not mean we cannot even question the moderators’ actions.

Not to worry, Nemo. We question the mods all the time around here; they seem to take it in stride. They’re a good bunch - not uptight at all, as far as I can tell.

I’m not sure what the deal was with your specific thread, but I can’t imagine any of the mods here closing a thread just because their judgment was questioned.

Enough of voting for the lesser of evils - vote Cthulhu 2000!

{{Actually, it looks less like a change than an explanation from here. I was under the impression that everyone with a brain understood that they were here at the sufferance of the host.}}

Well, the crucial clause is “with a brain”. I’m sure that you can come up with several handles who appear to post without using any brain.

Yes, it’s more of an explanation than a new rule.

For the Straight Dope

How about “SoulFrost is a big poopie head!” I think that would warrant revealing your particulars.

Nemo - Rest your weary head. This rule change had nothing to do with your questioning my decision to close the money laundering thread. I had/have no problem at all with your inquiry or opinion on that particular policy.
