New Sager Laptop, Want No Bloatware

Hey all i got the sager laptop and it looks pretty good. I had an asus u45jc-a1 but the laptop had lot of problems from being very slow and bloatware and many other issues. Laptop also was i3 so a bit slow and wanted an i7 quad core and this sager is i7 quad core. Its windows 7 home premium 64 bit and xoticpc installed it for me.
When i first started the laptop, it gave me option for windows update which is recommended, something else or ask me later. I chosed recommended is that fine? I wasn’t sure to put that or ask me later as i was kinda worried recommended might make my computer lag a bit.
Also, the computer at the moment seems fast. But how can i tell if i have any bloatware or any processes that i don’t want so this laptop doesn’t lag later on? I do see theres a few programs there when i click on uninstall programs that are like bison camera and intel pro etc. Am i suppose to leave them there or just remove them.
Do you need me to list all the programs. I want to make sure theres no bloatware on this new sager laptop of mine. Currently using my old asus laptop still at the moment while typing this.
Someone recommended me first to get an antivirus software. I used microsoft essentials with old asus laptop. Do you suggest that or something else or paying for those virus programs? Someone had suggested me use panda antivirus and its free and better than microsoft essentials. Thoughts on that? What about avast antivirus? I used it last time on asus laptop but then used microsoft essentials.

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Windows Update is fine. I’ve found that the free version of Avast! is the best freeware antivirus for Windows 8 (after using AVG for years and years on XP/Vista). It’s effective, surprisingly nice to look at and isn’t a resource hog.

Go to control panel, Programs, Uninstall - look at the list of installed programs. You can probably get rid of (if present) the Norton trial, MS Office trial, Registration program, manufacturer’s Help program, etc. - these are typical crapware that come with the computer, that the software people pay to have preloaded. It’s not so much that these are on the disk, but installed so some nag process runs at boot (or all the time) so it can pop up and ask you to “Try me!”. If you want generic windows and will install your own apps, uninstall these.