New Shoes

Gonna go do one of my favorite things ever at lunch. Gonna get a new pair of running shoes.

My old pair has over 500 miles on them, according to my online shoe odometer, and that’s just too old for a shoe.

They lose that cushiony bouncy feeling, and they’ll hurt your feet. These old Nike’s held up pretty well. There’s still tread on the bottom, none of the stitching is coming lose, and they fit like an old lover.

They held up a lot better than that old New Balance pair that I bought before this. Those fell apart before 200 miles.

I’m gonna miss these old Nikes. I’ve run a marathon in them, been chased by dogs, huddled in the middle of a field while lightning struck all about. I stepped on a turtle in them.

Lots of good miles.

Now they get to be house or work shoes for a while until they get too disgusting or just fall apart. I’ll put them in the washing machine to clean 'em, let em dry and wear 'em with my faded jeans and cutoff sweatshirts.

I wonder if these shoes will be sad when I go for my first run without them. Will they feel like a jilted lover, or a married woman who finds herself replaced by a younger prettier bouncier, more firm girl?

Will they be angry? Will they plot revenge? What sort of revenge can an old running shoe take on me?

My last Nike’s died ignominously. I left them on the porch and the dog ripped them apart. That happened like two days after I replaced them, and I’ve always looked at that as a suicide.

We should treat our old shoes better, shouldn’t we?

You mean like a soul mate?

Ok. I got my brand new:

Nike Alpha Project Air Exxelerator T.R. Nylon R.S.s.
I’m not sure what this Alpha Project is all about, but seeing as I’m in it, and you’re not, well, Neener neener neener.
I got new shoes, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.
I got new shoes, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.
I got new shoes, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.

I hate throwing away sneakers.

I’ve got 3 or 4 pair of old sneakers still kicking around. I used to buy them once a year when I ran a lot, now they tend to go two years or so before I feel like replacing them, but there’s just something wrong about throwing them away if they’re still even slightly servicable.

My oldest pair of sneakers are the pair I started running in 1994. They’re a little beat up for comfortable trail running, but still good for when you need shoes.

I also hang onto underwear, socks, shirts, and pants with holes in them, 'cause you never know when you’ll need 'em, or just because they’re comfortable.

I’ve got a large pile of old running shoes in my closet right now. I too am hesitant to throw them away. Because you NEVER KNOW.

I mean, for heavens sake, I’m rotating through 3 pairs of shoes right now, what if I need a 4th???

So when it’s rainy or I’m doing a muddy run (not very often) I always know I have a junky but serviceable pair of shoes for the task.

Someday I’ll purge the pile. Really, I will…

Now Eonwe, about those holey underwear…you must be “cut from the same cloth” as my SO. He tried to hang on to a pair of socks once that when he put his foot in it & pulled on the cuff - the cuff separated from the sock and darned near became a garter. I had to throw them in the trash myself.