NEW! Speak to me in Movie quotes

This isn’t a hospital! It’s an insane asylum, and it’s your fault!

That’s all right, boss. You don’t have to thank us.

We’ve known each other a long time. On one hand I’m your friend, on the other I’m your boss. Now as your friend, you don’t follow orders. You’re unmanageable. Hell, you don’t even obey the law, and you don’t think before you act. And now as your boss, you’re fired.

Take my hand, Boss. You see for yourself.

Jesus H. Tap Dancing Christ! Yes! I have seen the Light!

The power of Christ compels you!

God sent his only son on a suicide mission, but people like him because he made trees.

Plants have the ability to communicate with other species of plants. Trees can communicate with bushes, and bushes with grass, and everything in between.

It calls back a time when there were flowers all over the Earth… and there were valleys. And there were plains of tall green grass that you could lie down in - you could go to sleep in. And there were blue skies, and there was fresh air… and there were things growing all over the place, not just in some domed enclosures blasted some millions of miles out in to space.

On this first day of a new century, we humbly beg forgiveness , and dedicate these last forests of our once-beautiful nation, in the hope that they will one day return and grace our fouled Earth. Until that day, may God bless these forests, and the brave men who care for them.

Macbeth shall never vanquished be until
Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill
Shall come against him.

Sonny’ll come after you with everything he’s got.

I’m willing to sacrifice everything just to live one perfect day.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

I think Liberty’s your excuse to do whatever you want.

Excuse me for living.

No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!

I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying.

Dyin’ ain’t much of a living, boy.

It’s like, extra sad when a hot chick dies. When an ugly chick dies, it’s like, their life probably sucked anyway, so it’s no big deal.