NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)

It actually exists. Available on the internet.

I had a home care client who used it extensively-a powder you reconstitute which supposedly has every necessary nutrient. She believed it, Reiki and acupuncture would cure her of cancer, no chemo needed. Needless to say, none of them worked.

The Governor of Georgia has filed a law suit against the Mayor of Atlanta to prevent her from issuing press releases and talking to the press.

Missouri governor Mike Parsons is going for broke.
After saying he’d pardon the McCloskeys if they were charged (they were - today) on Friday, he stepped up his game today by effectively saying “some of your kids might die, but I can live with that” regarding school openings.

No he didn’t.
He said just the opposite.
He said that children at at lower risk and that when they do get covid19 they recover just fine.
His statements contradict the prevailing medical wisdom, and his policies may, indeed, lead to a higher death count among students and their families. But, he never said he could live with students dying.


“These kids have got to get back to school,” Parson told a conservative talk radio host. “They’re at the lowest risk possible. And if they do get Covid-19, which they will – and they will when they go to school – they’re not going to the hospitals. They’re not going to have to sit in doctor’s offices. They’re going to go home and they’re going to get over it.”

I chose to interpret that to him saying he doesn’t much care if they get sick (and maybe die). And bringing Covid-19 home to share with their families is just an added bonus apparently.

What part of that do you not understand?
He’s clearly saying that students will not die from covid19.
Just because he’s wrong about that doesn’t mean he’s ok with them dying.
There’s plenty of stupid in his statements. You don’t have to make things up.

He’s made himself very clear:


No shit, “nevermind”.

He quite clearly does not give a shit if kids die. He’s bullshitting about the risk to kids, he knows he’s bullshiting, and he does not care.

People die. get over it. He’s an absolutely dispicable piece of filth.

Those litigious loons need to feel what it’s like on the receiving end and some jail time to cool off.

The governor already said he was going to pardon them.
The rat bastard.

Pay for Pardons. It’s the Republican Way.

Hey, there are rumors that Bill Clinton may have once done something similar


Oops, maybe got caught with both hands in the cookie jar?

[slight hijack]pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease let this happen to Mike Madigan in Illinois. That rat bastard has been running this state into the ground for far too long, and he is elected not by all of the state but by one district. He is the Mitch McConnell of Illinois. They’ve just announced a ComEd bribery scandal that touches on Madigan; let’s hope that he is finally ensnared.[/slight hijack]

Yeah, Madigan is a Democrat, so this doesn’t actually belong in “Stupid Republican” thread, but stupid is as stupid does.

Corruption is bad, no matter who does it.

Agree with you 100% about Madigan. The “Stupid Republican Idea” will be Rs blindly defending Householder and questioning the patriotism of the federal prosecutors behind the charges.

Liz Cheney is in trouble with her fellow Republicans for being mean to the Orange Cheetoh.

One of the participants in the Malheur Wildlife Preserve takeover has been shot in a running battle with several police agencies in Idaho.

AOC claims Ted Yoho accosted her outside the Capitol and called her disgusting and a fucking bitch.

Links summarized in Haiku:

Jim Jordan sucks up
Trump junior also quoted
Douchieness confirmed

Man with no neck
Making bad life choices
Gets shot in the ass