NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)

Them’s fightin’ words!

It’s like that old saying, “What doesn’t kill you leaves you in an iron lung.”

For those reading along who may not have read the whole story about Rob Schmitt of Newsmax:

This. Tell them that when they’re dead, they need to be sure to vote Republican…

They can do better than that: designate someone to vote — straight Republican, naturally — for them after they’ve passed.

And let the designee know that they should be proud … proud, I say! … of what they’re doing. In fact, they should let the world know how proud they are to be carrying out the dearly departed’s wishes.

Given that there are more and more new laws to restrict voting being passed every day, I would focus instead on posting tweets promoting the Trump agenda after dying from coronavirus as Herman Cain has pioneered.

Well, there was that guy who cast his dead father’s vote for Trump.

Well. Never imagine this was the line that Tomi Lahren refused to cross. OTOH, maybe she’s just a big Kardashians fan.

Rudy says Ashli Babbit was shot by an Antifa agent hired by CNN.

Well, not quite – he says she was shot “by a police officer,” but thinks CNN and Antifa somehow knew about it in advance so they could make big bucks off the video. Or something.

But how is it that this thing all shows up on a video taken by an Antifa member paid for by CNN? And he just happens to be there when the shooting takes place, and he just happens to know where the gun is located. And none of the police have any interest in that?

Still batshit crazy, of course.

When the Individual 1-appointed Social Security Administration chief refused to resign, Biden fired him. The chief, Andrew Saul, says he’s not fired, and continues to work for the Social Security Administration. Them Biden officials in the office locked him out of the building and his computer systems. He says he continues in the job.

QAnon loving pastor is accused of satanism by Q supporters because his daughter wore red shoes.

I love it when they start eating each other’s faces. Though I don’t want to chance across a hungry leopard some night.

Isn’t it an LBJ quote - “I just want to hear the son of a bitch deny it.”

Fox talking head apparently thinks Japan and China are the same thing. She doesn’t want the US at the “genocide Olympics” because of Japan’s treatment of the Uighurs.
BTW, are these Uighur-loving right wingers aware that Uighurs are Muslims?

“C’mon! They all look alike!”

Remember kids, racism is over.

Oh my. That’s a special kind of stupid on display in that clip.

I can see Faux News running all sorts of disclaimer crawlers at the screen bottom:

“Fox News takes no responsibility for the views of idiots presented here.”

“Fox News realizes these are lies, so that lets us off the hook.”

“Fox News does not discriminate against fools, morans, or the mentally challenged.”

“Fox News is only running this drivel for the ad revenue.”

“Fox News taken daily may result in dementia, paranoia, aggressive behavior, or death. Should you experience Fox News for more than four hours, see a mental health professional.”

“Fox News, shit, we’ve just given up.”

It’s fun to dream, innit? :slight_smile:

Well, why not? T**** is continuing to do as much presidentin’ as he ever did before January 20th from the Florida White House and they’re both being paid the same salary.

(T**** is getting a pension, dammit. Maybe someone can convince him by accepting the pension he’s rendered himself a former President.)