NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 1)

Make sure it’s in liquid form. Otherwise, it’s hell on the teeth.

I was thinking molten.

Yellowstone mud. The boiling-hot kind.

I usually get excited by smut (corn fungus that is yummy) but I’m baffled by this panini (as many on Reddit call it) … I’m so sick of people who keep spreading germs.

Iowa just wants more people to work in the various animal chop shops (I’m blanking on the real name) meat something something. I love meat. I eat meat. I’m typing more just in case the correct words show up… not factory… eh, I’ll leave this.

Well, obviously the refugees aren’t white enough. C’mon, Rick!

To heck with worrying about Afghans–Texas is being invaded by Haitians, part of a Democrat [sic] plot to take over the country! :scream:

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick referred to the Haitians massing at the Texas border as pawns in a Democratic plan “to take over this country” in a Thursday night interview on Fox News, making an argument that is part of a conspiracy theory known as The Great Replacement.

The theory — embraced by white supremacists and far-right nationalists in the U.S. and Europe for about the last 100 years — holds that minority ethnic groups are engaged in a plot to take power from whites, with the ultimate goal of domination or extermination of the white race.

“Let me tell you something, Laura and everyone watching: The revolution has begun. A silent revolution by Joe Biden and the Democrat Party to take over this country,” Patrick said, speaking on Laura Ingraham’s Fox News show. “(Democrats) are allowing this year probably 2 million — that’s who we apprehended, maybe another million — into this country. At least in 18 years, even if they don’t all become citizens before then and can vote, in 18 years if everyone of them has two or three children you’re talking about millions and millions and millions of new voters. And they will thank the Democrats and Biden for bringing them here. Who do you think they’re going to vote for?”

Patrick took it a step further.

“We now will have illegals in this country denying citizens the right to run our government,” Patrick said. “This is trying to take over our country without firing a shot.”

The Republicans could take in thousands of Afghans AND thousands of Haitians and drop them all in the middle of, oh, I don’t know… Nebraska? … and let them all duke it out. Make it into a reality series and let The Donald be the commentator.

Hey don’t we have a labor shortage here? I bet if some smart people put there heads together, we could solve this humanitarian crisis.

Yeah, sure.

Well, you could try accepting them in yourself, and seeing if they’ll vote Republican…

Slaughterhouse? Meat packing plant is I suppose the nicer term for it.

Nah. Solid lead. A little less then a half inch in diameter. Say .45. Take that at high speed and you’ll never get COVID.

It’s good to have options.

I’ve always liked the word abattoir. Just sounds ncie.

Mr. Wiggin: Oh. I hadn’t fully divined your attitude towards the tenants. You see I mainly design slaughter houses.



The governor of Georgia once again claimed that the AIDS vaccine doesn’t work. There is no AIDS vaccine.

The first thought that went through my mind when I read this was, “Good god. At least have the decency to be embarrassed.”

And then I realized, that’s the whole problem: They don’t.

“Well, if there was one, it wouldn’t work!”

It’s really a weird interaction. Kemp appears to have an entire set of memories connected to this non-existent AIDS vaccine—he remembers that people resisted taking it, and then he remembers “education” happening, and finally people would take it after that.

And of course the FOX Business anchor just murmurs agreement when Kemp recounts these “memories.”

Truly bizarre.

eta: here’s the Fox Business interview segment: