NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 2)

Despite the nearly 2-to-1 rejection, the Republican-dominated Arizona legislature has just approved the nation’s largest school voucher scheme, one that makes every Arizona student eligible for taxpayer-supplied funds to attend private and religious schools as well for online education, home schooling, tutors, etc.

One thing missing from the legislation: any kind of accountability that would let the public know what the schools getting the voucher money are actually doing. Yes, students entering the voucher program would have to take a national standardized test annually — but the state won’t see the scores, and unless a particular school has at least 50 voucher students attending, parents can’t see even aggregate scores. That doesn’t worry House Majority Leader Ben Toma, the bill’s prime mover, who said accountability would come from parents who “know what’s best for their children.”

Voters just get in the way, amirite?

Snopes doesn’t address that, but The Washington Post says:

The Washington Post has noted Trump was in an SUV rather than the Beast limousine. The initial denials also didn’t dispute that Hutchinson was told this — merely that it had actually happened. (She never claimed direct knowledge.) Later, an anonymous Secret Service source said Ornato denied telling Hutchinson that Trump touched the wheel or the agent, according to CNN. (Hutchinson testified that Engel told Trump to get his hand off the wheel, but she didn’t say Trump actually grabbed an agent. She also never used the word “assault,” which has cropped up in some reports on the dispute.) Hutchinson’s lawyer Jody Hunt said those with knowledge of the matter should also testify.

(Bolding mine)

Quoting TDB:

She and a deputy are accused of plotting to turn off security cameras and letting an unauthorized person access those machines—information from which was published by conspiracy theorist Ron Watkins.

The indictment capped a turbulent 10-month stretch that saw Peters get arrested for obstructing police officers who were serving a search warrant for her iPad, make an appearance at a far-right event where a speaker advocated "hangings” for those who commit election fraud[…]

I could get behind that last one… starting with her.

I wonder if any of these election-fraud crybabies have kids who play sports. When the kids lose, do they put up with the kids whining about how they were cheated?

Hell, they probably encourage it – and threaten the refs.

Orange man will be pissed. He should have gotten the $200k. Hey, less money for the other grifters.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a complete load of bullshit (which it is). The point is to get this out into social media, where it will become truth to the marching moron Trumpists.

Really need a Supreme court thread.
The Clarence Thomas led Supreme Court

Missouri did pretty much the same thing with Medicare expansion a year or two ago. Voters approved it but the GOP put the kibosh on it anyway. Funny how they’re only interested in “the will of the people” when it’s convenient for them.

If you’re not GOP, you’re not “people”.

Josh Marshall has been documenting how NBC News division really appears committed to the “growing concerns about veracity of Cassidy Hutchinson” fiction.

Reporters and anchors alike are using the “increasing doubts”-type language—while consistently omitting the fact that the “concerns” and “doubts” are mostly-anonymous sources claiming to speak for Ornato and Engel. Certainly no one speaking under oath–as Hutchinson did–is voicing ‘concerns’ or ‘doubts.’

NBC is owned by conglomerate Comcast. You have to wonder from what level the instructions to ‘cast doubt on Hutchinson’ came.

Good Ole People*.

*And you know it’s not that far away before women are relegated to non-voters and these twerps can just rename the party GOB.

It’s Texas again.

Apparently the new politically correct term for slavery is: Involuntary Relocation.

Words fail.

Er, let’s make the semantics more palatable. (In an era of garbage collectors who are Sanitation Disposal Engineers, truck drivers who are Transportation Facilitation Executives, and janitors who are Housing Maintenance Overseers, a spade is seldom a spade. Black Panthers please note.) Norman Mogart was an Entertainment Liaison Agent.

Pfui. Norman was a pimp.

-- Harlan Ellison, ‘The Place With No Name’ (1969)

Keee-rist, that joke didn’t age so well, did it?

I’m not seeing a joke there really.
That a non-racist word, used as a euphemism, in no way hides the actual racist intent of the speaker’s words wasn’t a thing the Panthers needed to note after all.

Mmmokay, that’s a more generous reading than mine. ISTM that the author was simply using the familiar “call a spade a spade” idiom in the context of obfuscatory fancy job titles, and threw in a wholly gratuitous reference to the word as a racial epithet because he thought it was humorous. But I could be wrong.

From that article,

{…} In 2015, Texas attracted attention when it was discovered a social studies textbook approved for use in the state called African slaves who were brought to the United States, “workers” {…}

How many times does the mask need to slip before folks are no longer fooled by the mask?

Mask? I think you meant hood.

That’s there too. But I fear that whatever outrage calling African slaves workers generated focused on the explicit ‘slaves are just workers’ part and missed the implicit ‘workers are slaves’ part.

“You know, the relocation wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t keep beating me when I don’t do what they want.”