NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 2)

He said he was a drag queen? Well now I’m starting to think that he wasn’t a drag queen.

No, they stopped listening after “We don’t need no education”.

What about “Teachers, leave those kids alone!”

OTOH, they’re cool with thought control, and dark sarcasm goes right over their heads.

Well, as long as it’s their flavor of thought control, anyway.

Just remember who wrote the song and that artist’s stance on current political issues.

Waters told an RT interviewer that the talk of an attack was “bullshit” and propaganda demonizing Russia

Waters said Biden is “fuelling the fire in the Ukraine, for a start – that is a huge crime,”

He argued that the West should not support Ukraine

Waters said: “They’re not encircling Taiwan – Taiwan is part of China. And that’s been absolutely accepted by the whole of the international community since 1948”.[

Yeah, I can’t figure out what Waters says, dove tails into his music. A great disappointment to this long time Pink Floyd fan.

And I’m sure that, since these foods are all so bad, that all of the sponsors of the bill have voluntarily given them up themselves.

I saw him twice back in the late 90’s/early 00’s and they were both amazing shows. I regretted not being able to see him on the most recent tour, but I felt a little better after reading the reviews.

However, I absolutely love his voice and I’ll continue to enjoy his music despite his politics.

He seems to get on the wrong side of so many issues without any coherent argument, yet without any obvious signs of malice, i.e. it’s not as though he has bought into fascist ideology. That makes me think that he is wedded to a self image as an independent clear thinker who doesn’t just follow the herd - leading to a perverse tendency to lean the opposite way whenever there is a consensus.

It’s also possible that he just not all that intelligent. There’s a correlation between intelligence and musical talent, but it’s not a necessity, and obviously it’s only because of his music that his opinions get any attention. Listening to him talk in interviews is… unimpressive.

A more in depth thread on Roger Walkers politics can be found in this pit thread.

But basically I think you have it right. He is fed up with the greedy establishment and imperialism of powerful western countries pushing smaller countries around. Yay, good for him. Unfortunately he extends that to the enemy of my enemy is my friend and assumes that since the western powers are opposing China and Russia, China and Russia must be the good guys, despite the fact that everything he hates about the west are exhibited even more strongly in those countries.,

One would guess that the worms had already eaten into their brains?

Poor worms.

Starved to death, did they?

That was the good part.

Melania is upset that the Bidens redesigned the private bedrooms at the White House.

the one that replaced the rose garden with a lawn?

Loser Donald was invited to give a eulogy at Diamond’s funeral today, which, of course, he made all about himself.

The thing is, Diamond would have appreciated all of that,

You know, they hitched their wagon to that fuckin psychopath. They bought their tickets, they take their rides.