NEW Stupid Republican Idea of the Day (Part 3)

They’re saying “our bigoted followers will cost you more when they stomp off in a huff than you will gain by not chasing off minorities. And we think that’s just wonderful.”

Of course it was a crime of passion. The thing is racists are passionate about their bigotry.

With an implicit threat of “if you keep doing this, we will organize your shareholders against you.”

In case you were wondering where the Attorneys General were from…
"Republican attorneys general from Indiana, Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina signed the letter, writing that they were “concerned by recent events involving the company’s ‘Pride’ campaign.”

I’ve kind of wondered which customer base national corps would choose if forced. Maybe we’ll see soon…

Is there some sort of law these attorneys general are threatening them with?

Or is it more of a, “Nice, little corporation you’ve got here. Be such a shame if, after you’ve catered to the wrong sort of people… something were to happen to it.”

It was fun to see Democratic governor Tony Evers use a GOP bullshit line item veto rule in Wisconsin for good. In this case, increase State per student funding for 400 years.

Yeah, that was my take on it. Why are the government lawyers suddenly getting involved in a (potential, it’s not even real yet) dispute between private business interests? A shareholders lawsuit, should one eventually emerge, should be a matter of purely civil law.

Talk about government overreach! But of course, hypocrisy doesn’t matter to them.

Florida’s top PoS has signed a bill into law that will

fail to recognize the validity of driver’s licenses issue by VT, RI, CT, HI and DE. The impression I get is that it has some tenuous connection to immigration status (and punishing the president). This kind of conflicts with some obscure “full faith and credit” thing, I suspect.

Alex Jones wants God to destroy the Earth in order to protect the children from globalists.

You know, the old “we had to destroy the planet in order to save it” approach.

Yeah, full faith and credit will kill this quick. In the meantime, Disney ought to tell everyone from those states planning a trip to Disneyworld to either 1) bring a passport, or 2) go to Disneyland instead. The tourist dollars are already drying up in Florida. Time to make the idjits pay.

Not to mention the old “globalists” code word.

……won’t the children also die if the planet blows up?

No, they’ll be joining the Overmind.

This is rapidly heading into doomsday cult territory.

At least they’ll have nice shoes.

I don’t know if this falls under “Stupid Ideas” or “Things the rest of us wish we could have done”…

“He kicked me in my balls as soon as I opened the door,” Mr DeYoung said, adding that Mr Chapman ran at him and slammed him into a chair.

“very fine people on both sides


It’s been a doomsday cult for quite some time; that’s just expanding. Right-wing fundamentalist churches have been zealously pro-Israel from the beginning because, according to their reading of Revelation, the Temple in Jerusalem has to be rebuilt in order for the Second Coming to happen and Armageddon to start. Most have been content to wait for that to happen in God’s time, but there are more and more who have shown a willingness to lend a hand.

If you believe that you’re about to be assumed bodily into Heaven while all your enemies suffer unspeakable torment, you’re not inclined to work on mitigating climate change or preventing war or curing disease. There are a disconcerting number of people in public life who seem to share that state of mind.