New Top Gun: Maverick Trailer

He’s maverick’ier than a herd of horses! The flying again looks amazing. Do we think it will be a huge hit? And will they play “Danger Zone”? And beach volleyball is still a thing.

It looks exactly as bad as the first one. In all the same ways. It’s like a greatest hits repeat of the first movie. Motorcycle? Check. Volleyball? Check. Name dropping old characters? Check. Goose surrogate. Check and double check. Incredible flying? So checky, I feel the need…for speed!

Of course it will be a huge hit!

Who CARES if it makes no sense!

Tom Skerritt is still kickin’. Wonder if Viper makes an appearance.

You know what would be great? If Maverick got shot down half way through the film. Tom Cruise dying in the middle of a Tom Cruise movie would be worth the price of admission.

My favorite part of ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ - he dies a bunch in that one!

Then Goose II has to man up and lead the mission. They successfully bomb the secret axis of evil meeting that has Putin, Xi and trump. Then Goose gets to resign, go home, hug his dog and marry his childhood sweetheart excising the ghosts of his late father and how Maverick killed him.

It’s being produced by a Chinese company. Xi would have to be the Ronald Ray-Gun equivalent.

Geez, we’ve been talking about this movie for almost three years now.

Wonder if they are doing some last minute edits to digitally swap the enemy fighters from North Korea to Russia.

So in the original when Maverick throws Goose’s dogtags in the ocean…that’s not what he’s supposed to do, right? His wife should get those?

I thought that was his eyeballs he threw in the ocean.

Oh wait, that was Hot Shots!

Spoiler free review (Note that the reviewer is an aviation enthusiast which impacts his reaction)


Except the first one had a twenty-four year old playing a Navy pilot and this one has a fifty-nine year old.

This movie seems to be the big Memorial Day release and I’m trying to decide if I’m going to see it. I’m kind of turned off by Tom Cruise and his smirk, plus his constant reminders that he does his own stunts.

I made the mistake of watching the original with my fighter pilot father. He pointed out all the incorrect crap and ruined the experience for me. That was the last time I watched an airplane movie with a pilot.

I watched Iron Eagle on my own and the idiotic premise ruined it for me with no help from the professionals. LOL

When I saw the original, I was 25. It stuck me that “they let kids fly these planes!” About half the actors were younger than me, and even the older ones looked much younger.

I figured, well, yeah, you have to be in shape to fly combat. Reflexes, g-tolerance, eyesight, it all fades quickly. “Pappy” Boyington was called Pappy because he was an old fart of…30. Half a decade older than his pilots.

I don’t see how a guy my age now, Mr Cruise, could effectively fly combat. Unless he’s a freak of nature, he couldn’t see the other planes in the sky, couldn’t focus on the instruments without reading glasses, and he’ll pass out from the g’s. Oh, and have to stop every hour to pee.

Even Jester was only 36. OK, Viper was 52, but he relied on cunning. :slight_smile: