New Trek Movie Photos

I think Botok is the name of the leading Vulcan beautician.

Well, whaddya expect? The Enterprise is Reconstitution-class!

That would be spelled B’tok.

I so totally, totally agree. I’ve served my time as a hard-core Trekkie and I don’t care what canon they violate here. Just give me something fresh, energetic and exciting.

Stop being so damn reasonable about this, the lot of you. You’re ruining my sulk. :stuck_out_tongue:

His companion is T’Phab.

No-one expects the Federation Reconstitution!**

That’s both a Star Trek and a Monty Python reference; I made it to see if a Geek vortex opens or if I gain access to a new Internet level. If you don’t see me here again, you’ll know one or the other happened.

That’s just pure comedy!

Hear! Hear!

Sylar for Spock looks like a great choice but the actor that’s playing Kirk looks way too much like Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell.

Or is it this just me?

I’m excited for this one, Star Trek is in serious need for a reboot.

When I saw the first picture in the first link, my immediate reaction was, “They’re making Saint Elmo’s Trek”. I’m sure that I’ll go see it but I don’t think I’ll like it that much.

The McCoy character looks pretty close to a young DeForest Kelley. The rest? Not so much.

Exactly. So glad somebody picked up on that.

I think Uhura’s sufficently Nicholicous… On the other hand, they really didn’t try very hard with Chekov at all, did they? Where’s the Davy Jones mop, dammit? Chekov is a mop with a Russian accent. How hard is that?

Frankly, my worst anxiety in that picture is Simon Pegg. Look at that expression on his face back there. You can’t tell me that he isn’t moments away from bursting out in the most comedically exaggerated Scottish accent ever-- an accent that will make James Doohan’s rendition sound like Sean Connery.

They think the fans want to laugh at these characters. This is really, really dire, guys. This is Star Trek V dire.

Oh, go ahead and laugh. Everybody else wants to laugh at the Star Trek fans moaning as if this were a personal affront. So it all sort of balances out.

Yeah, Pegg bothers me. I think he’s a fine actor, but he’s going to have to give an Oscar winning performance if I’m going to be able to watch him without wondering when he’s going to start shooting zombis.

There was another Scottish actor rumored to be in the running for the role who looked an awful lot like a young James Doohan. I wish they’d have gone with him instead.

Okay, left to right, who is everybody (got Uhura)?

Kirk, Spock, Scotty (way in the back there), Bones, and then Sulu, I’m aguessin’ about the Kirk, though, 'cause he really looks way too young to be in charge of a starship, IMHO.

Are you sure?

My guess would be Chekov, Kirk, Scotty, Bones, Sulu, Uhura.

Chekov, Kirk, Scotty, Bones, Sulu, Uhura. Spock’s not in that picture.

By the by, Chekov in that picture looks like Billy Bibbit in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

Yeah, I think you’re right.

I’m having a vicarious wet dream with Simon Pegg playing Scotty. That’s got to be nerd fan-boy nirvana. He’s a good actor, and he’ll maybe fit in the same screen as everyone else. He will. He won’t let us nerds down.