New Year's Resolutions

Everybody talks about them - does anyone seriously use them to make changes in their lives?

I usually can’t help but reflect on a year gone by and think about how I’d like to improve my lot in life in the following year (and that is particularly true after 2009 for me). But I’m not much for making formal resolutions. I chose the “Yeah, sure, why not?” option.

A few times I made semi-serious attempts at changing my life for the new year. Never lasted the entire month.

So, no. It’s just an exercise in futility.

Usually, as a joke, I tell people that I resolve not to make any resolutions, but since I’ve broken that one right away, I figure the rest of the year is shot anyway.

I keep trying to but they never stick.

The only resolve in my life is the stain fighting kind. :smiley:

I learned a long time ago not to try and make resolutions. I never keep them.

I had promised myself to quit my job sooner than later before I go back to grad school this time but I’ve already moved the date up twice. I need a financial cushion dammit.

I have always been a very goal-driven person, and ever since I was a young teen I would make out about 30 separate New Year’s resolutions which were divided into major categories like Academics, Spirituality, etc. They were very effective at directing me toward positive change, and I usually accomplished most of the goals. Drafting resolutions for New Years is one of my favorite things to do. It gives me hope for the future. I’m honestly a little surprised I’m the only one so far who finds them very helpful.

I have made resolutions every year since elementary school and I usually get most of them done.

This has been a shitty year for me personally, for my immediate and extended family, and for most of my friends. I’m college-age, and before I always had at least a quiet sleepover with a few girlfriends or spent time with a boyfriend on New Years Eve, but this year I’m going to stay in, write some resolutions/goals/plans/whatevers, burn a few unwanted paper artifacts in our fireplace, and let this year expire quietly. No parties. This year doesn’t deserve it. I will quietly steel myself up to make next year better.

Each year, I make ‘resolutions’ about my personal approach to life and the way I plan to deal with problems and people for the next calendar year, but I do it on Yom Kippur after the ten days of reflection following Rosh Hashanah. It’s the same idea as I understand it, though, so I checked yes in the poll. :slight_smile:

I usually set goals for the year, rather than call the resolutions. But I suppose I am in the yes column.

I don’t. I have too bad of a track record when it comes to keeping resolutions.

Why change? I’m darn awesome as I am right now.:smiley:

Every year, starting on the first, I try approaching things different from in the past.

This year:
-Begin the jouney to becoming a professional flaring booze-slinger
-Continue improving my graphic design skills; discover new techniques on improving my artform and creativity
-Consume myself with more profitable work, education, and productivity than distracting outlets of media and extra hours of sleeping
-Stop letting my pride get in the way of my honesty
-Take things a little more seriously… I’m getting too old for my current lifestyle

Don’t make New Year’s Resolutions, or explicit resolutions in general. But when I realize that I’m doing something wrong w/r/t interpersonal relationships, work, school, etc., I’ll try to keep reminding myself to change.

Not really New Year resolutions per se, but more like ‘wake up calls’. So I don’t wait till 1st Jan to roll about, though it is a fine time and a good date to have some goals.

For me personally, I want to

  • nag less

I hope just one is achievable for me!

During January and the first half of February I can barely find a parking place at my gym.

After that, it’s much easier.

So at least some people make resolutions.

Mine is to avoid the gym in January.

This year, I’m going to cackle maniacally at every opportune moment.

Nope. I’m just never that stoked for the new year. I usually think “oh, hey, another new calendar” and leave it at that. Probably not the best attitude to take, but it’s just not that big a deal to me.