New York hand Jobs only £4.95

Heh, that’s dragged you in hasn’t it?

Anyways I’ve just returned from Manchester city centre and on the way back noticed the above sign on a new car wash.

Just sayin’

That’s a pretty good deal for a hand job or a car wash.

Okay, so tell us. In the context of car washes, what is a “New York Hand Job”?

Heck, in any context, what is a “New York Hand Job”

And anything labeled “New York” shouldn’t have a price in pounds – it just looks wrong. Do you guys have “New York-style pizza” over there?

I had a so-called “New York Steak” last week, although it mainly reinforced my determination to eat my steak English style in future. :slight_smile:

After you get off, you get mugged.

It’s a hand job that only takes one minute.

In Brighton Beach, car washes hand !!


If the price is low, that might be an indication that a “New York Car Wash” is having your windshield briefly and indifferently wiped by a schizophrenic.

We sure do have NY pizza and Chicago pizza and any other kind and they taste just as crappy as any other pizza you get in the UK.

I’ve had pizza in the USA and boy are they a different matter altogether.

I guess a NY Hand Job in car wash parlance is a bunch of guys tear arsing car out to give your car a rub down :smiley:

I think you should go get the ten dollar hand job, and come back and report.

We don’t have dollars in the UK, we use real money :slight_smile: with colours.

Plus we just got a new £20 note, ever so dainty :cool:

I’ve got an ashtray-full of your monopoly money at home that I can’t do anything with. More than enough for a New York hand job, I’d guess. I missed the new 20, though.

What I don’t understand is why you have Judy Dench on all your money. :confused:

I’m assuming you have a load of coins. Just give them to your bank, they’ll convert them and give the equivalent in dollars to a charity of your choice

And it’s Dame Judy Dench to you.


You’re obviously unfamiliar with American banking. Our bankers are about as accomodating as your waitresses.


And yes, it’s Dame Judy. I’m sorry.

You absolutely sure that an American bank will not take foreign currency that’s being donated to a charity.

If so I find this remarkable as a fair number of UK banks have boxes specifically for the collection of foreign coins.

If you don’t want to put the coins in the box you just ask a teller to convert and transfer to your fave charity, obviously you’ll need the charity sort code and account number but they’ll do it no probs.

Agree about the waitresses but decent restaurants are aplenty

My image of a New York handjob would be somebody making that air masturbation gesture and saying “here’s your fuckin’ handjob right heah. Now gimme my five bucks and have a nice fuckin’ day.”

I prefer Starbucks.

Well it does seem a bit stingy, but on the other hand, he has already got plenty of money… why, with all the computers around these days, he might even be a… millionaire!!!

Dame Helen Mirren thank you very much.

I’m sad they removed Elgar from the 20.

A New York minute.